Home > Books > Deliverance > Ellel Ministries Books
Ellel Ministries was established by Peter Horrobin in the UK to help those oppressed by demonic spirits and life circumstances to find freedom through the ministry of deliverance.  Now world wide, they has opened  healing centers around the world to set the captives free and manifest the finished work of Christ on the cross and His resurection.  Ellel Ministries is also know as one of the premier organizations today teaching deliverance ministry through their many seminars as well as books and other printed materials.
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A-Z Guide to the Healing Ministry by David Cross Anger How Do You Handle It by Paul and Liz Griffin Dangers Of Alternative Ways of Healing by David Cross and John Berry Discover Healing and Freedom by Peter Horrobin
Forgive, Release and Be Free by Joff Day Forgiveness Gods Master Key by Peter Horrobin God's Way Out of Depression by David Cross Gods Covering by David Cross
Gods Covering
Price: $14.99
Healing the Human Spirit Updated and Revised by Ruth Hawkey Healing Through Deliverance by Peter Horrobin Intercession and Healing by Fiona Horrobin Letting God Be Judge by Thomas Sappington