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Healing Through Deliverance
Healing Through Deliverance by Peter Horrobin
Price: $34.99
Author: Peter Horrobin
Subtitle: The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance
Format: Paperback
Length: 578 Pages
Published: 1991/2003/2008

Stock Status:In Stock



Peter Horrobin has more than twenty years of experience teaching about healing and ministering to people in need. In this comprehensive, practical and groundbreaking volume, he draws on this experience to set out a thorough scriptural foundation for the healing and deliverance ministry an integral part of fulfilling the Great Commission and a vital key to discipleship.

He lays out the biblical basis for healing through deliverance; provides safe guidelines and practical tools for building a healing and deliverance ministry; helps people identify possible demonic entry points; and teaches how we can become affected by demonic power and how we can be delivered and healed. In the final section of the book Peter turns his focus to the cleansing of land and buildings. This authoritative handbook provides answers to every question, equipping you to understand the ministry and respond to the call of God to set the captives free.

Table of Contents

Authors Prologue

Foreword by Derek Prince


Part 1: Foundations for the Deliverance Ministry

Chapter 1: Healing in the Church Today

Chapter 2: Introduction to Deliverance Ministry

Chapter 3: Healing, Deliverance and Gods Covenants

Chapter 4: Mankind Gods Special Creation

Chapter 5: The Realm of Angels

Chapter 6: Satan and His Kingdom

Chapter 7: The Fall and Gods Rescue Plan

Chapter 8: Demonization and Worship

Chapter 9: The Character and Work of Evil Spirits

Chapter 10: The Direct Encounters of Jesus with Satan

Chapter 11: Encounters with the Demonic in the Gospels

Chapter 12: Encounters with the Demonic in the Acts of the Apostles

Chapter 13: The Teachings of Jesus on Aspects of Deliverance

Chapter 14: Some Important Teachings on the Demonic in the Epistles

Chapter 15: Demonization of Christians

Part 2: The Practice of Deliverance Ministry

Chapter 16: Deliverance and Healing

Chapter 17: Preparing the Ground Foundational Teaching for Healing and Deliverance

Chapter 18: Some Observable Symptoms of Possible Demonization

Chapter 19: How Demons Enter

Chapter 20: Preparing a Person for Healing through Deliverance

Chapter 21: Foundational Prayers

Chapter 22: The Ministry of Deliverance

Chapter 23: Why Some People are not Delivered

Chapter 24: Advice to the Delivered

Part 3: Land and Buildings

Chapter 25: Cleansing of Land, Buildings and Organizations

Chapter 26: Postscript

Appendix 1: Qualities of a Christian Counselor

Appendix 2: Magic, the Occult and the Bible

Appendix 3: Glossary of Occult Terms

Appendix 4: Alternative Medial Practices

Appendix 5: Glossary of Other Religions




The water level of integrity for deliverance ministries has been rising rapidly over the past few years. One of the major factors spurring this along is the emergence of highly-respected, professional-level deliverance ministers and teachers such as Peter Horrobin. This book is unquestionably the number one textbook on the theory and practice of deliverance available today. It is well-organized, scholarly, and user friendly. No library, whether a school library or a deliverance ministers personal library, should be without it!

C. Peter Wagner & Doris Wagner, convening apostles, International Society of Deliverance Ministers

Healing through Deliverance contains a praxis of ministry that demonstrates the Kingdom of God at work with power, authority and authenticity. In these pages, Peter Horrobin combines biblical theology with authentic hands-on ministry that models the heart of Jesus. I know of no other book that retains this quality of Scriptural integrity while at the same time creating a worldview of expectancy that the God of the Old and New Testaments is still the same God today who invites us to meet with Him and to encounter the miraculous. Everyone who is serious about healing, deliverance and wholeness will discover in these pages what exactly is required for personal and corporate transformation.

Alistair P. Petrie, executive director, Partnership Ministries

About the Author

Peter Horrobin is the founder and international director of Ellel Ministries. There are now more than twenty Ellel centers throughout the world. Each center provides training courses, schools and opportunities for personal prayer ministry. Peter is a graduate of Oxford University and was a successful publisher before commencing the work of Ellel Ministries in 1986. Peter and his wife, Fiona, live near the first Ellel center, Ellel Grange, in Lancashire, England.