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Heart Of An Apostle
Heart of an Apostle by Pete Beck Jr
Price: $9.95
Author: Pete Beck Jr.
Format: Paperback
Length: 131 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock



This book is the blueprint that Christ has for the apostolic ministry. This is an important book written by Pete Beck Jr. for the perilous times in which we Christians find ourselves. The maturing of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is what is happening and is absolutely paramount to the Holy Spirit. It will not happen without mature and spiritual leaders. He wants to make it a truly apostolic church going forward with apostolic doctrine to win the nations.

Apostles and the other five-fold ministry gifts, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are being raised up as never before across the world. They are being raise up as a team. The Bible is clear that Satan will attempt to produce false apostles to weaken or mislead the Church. Many do not seem to even understand the principles of God laid out in the Scriptures. Ambition and a love for money and recognition dominate some who claim to be apostles.

When speaking to the Church at Ephesus, the risen Christ commended them for discerning those who were true apostles, and rejected those who proved false. This book will prove to be a great aid for those who would wish to discern true apostles.

Table of Contents



Part One: The Heart of an Apostle
Chapter 1: Apostles From the Inside Out

Chapter 2: Attitudes Toward the World

Chapter 3: Signs and Wonders

Chapter 4: Imparting of Gifts

Chapter 5: Authority

Chapter 6: Wisdom

Chapter 7: Lifestyle

Chapter 8: Sowing Spiritual Things

Chapter 9: Attitude Toward Churches

Chapter 10: Bringing Joy to the Church

Chapter 11: Confidence in Christ

Part Two: Honoring Fathers
Chapter 12: Why We Need Fathers

Chapter 13: Blessings and Curses

Chapter 14: Why was David Blessed?

Part Three: Problems We Generate
Chapter 15: Honoring Sons

Chapter 16: Meekness and Gentleness

Chapter 17: The Grace of Being Teachable

Chapter 18: Devilish Ambition

Chapter 19: Moving Landmarks

Chapter 20: The Mystery of Lawlessness

Chapter 21: The Need for Help

Chapter 22: Vertical vs. Horizontal

Chapter 23: The Elijah to Jehu Anointing


About the Author

Pete Beck Jr., was born in 1928 and educated at the University of Alabama, graduating in 1953 with an LLB from that institutions Farrah School of Law. After a career including the U.S. Army, practicing law and many years in industry, Pete found Christ near the age of 42. His calling to the ministry was almost immediate. In 1972 he founded Maranatha Church in Greensboro, NC and was its pastor for 22 years. In 1994 God called him out of the local pastoral duties to pursue the apostolic calling on his life. Over the years Pete was directly involved in planting four churches. In addition he has served in an apostolic fatherly role to many churches, both in America and overseas. For the past twenty-five years he has traveled extensively in the U.S. and overseas helping to encourage and edify the body of Christ. Pete is the co-founder and apostolic team leader of Master Builders Fellowship (MBFellowship.com) a fellowship of five-fold leaders and their churches. Pete is married to Jane, his wife of 54 years. They have four sons, fourteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Pete and Jane reside in Pleasant Garden, NC.