Book Three of a five volume anthology of apostleship with 70 contributing authors.
Volume One Section 1: Introduction and Overview
Volume Two Section 2: Apostolic Government Section 3: Apostolic Foundations
Volume Three Section 4: Apostolic Intercession Section 5: Apostolic Character and Maturity Section 6: Apostolic Education
Volume Four Section 7: Apostolic Fathers and Mothers Section 8: Apostolic Leadership and Teams Section 9: Apostolic Creativity and Innovation
Volume Five Section 10: Apostolic Multiplication and Wealth Section 11: Apostolic Culture Section 12: Summary and Conclusion
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Dr. Gordon Bradshaw Foreword by Dr. Bill Hamon Section 4: Apostolic Intercession Chapter 24: Apostolic-Prophetic Intercession – Dr. Tommi Femrite Chapter 25: The Spiritual Architect – Tim Taylor Chapter 26: Apostolic Thunder: The Sound of the Sons – James Nesbit Chapter 27: Undercover Assignment: Apostolic Intercession to Restore America – Gary Beaton Chapter 28: Praying Like the apostles – Bob Cathers Chapter 29: Apostles to the Boardroom – Dr. Stan Jeffery Chapter 30: Apostolic Honor – John Anderson Chapter 31: Apostolic Integrity – Mark Henderson Chapter 32: Apostolic Mantles – Dr. Michelle A. Morrison Chapter 33: The Apostolic Release – Paul L. Cuny Chapter 34: Becoming Apostles of Merit – Dr. Philip R. Byler Chapter 35: Recognizing Apostles – Robert Henderson Chapter 36: The Signs of Apostleship – Lloyd Phillips Chapter 37: Society of Leaders – Morris E. Ruddick Chapter 38: The Marks of an Apostle – Kari Browning Chapter 39: Abiding Through the Purging and Pruning Process – Dr. David Andrade Section 5: Apostolic Education Chapter 40: The Church-Based Mandate: Apostolic Training Megatrends in the Global Church – Dr. Berin Gilfillan Chapter 41: Education and Training for the Marketplace Apostolic Leadership – Dr. Stan E. DeKoven
About the General Editor:
Dr. Bruce Cook is a spiritual father and servant-leader, providing alignment, covering and/or counsel to apostolic leaders from every sphere of culture. He has significant experience in financial consulting, fundraising, private equity investments, banking, endowment management, higher education, board governance, technology, philanthropy, publishing, business development, marketing, research, church and marketplace ministry. The apostolic is his passion and raising up, equipping and releasing apostles and other five-fold leaders in the Seven Mountains of Culture is his mission. His board base of knowledge and experience, coupled with his influence and insight, converge in his role as General Editor for this seminal work. He is a bridge builder, connector, convener, network leader and both serial and social entrepreneur.