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Wielding the Axe
Wielding the Axe by Thomas Schlueter
Price: $12.99
Author: Thomas Schlueter
Subtitle: A Model to Both Challenge and Encourage Us to Move Forward With the Purposes of God
Format: Paperback
Length: 88 Pages
Published: 2020

Stock Status:In Stock


The portals are open. The axe is sharpened. The oil is ready. The eagles have been released. The trumpet has sounded. Texas is going to war. Set your face toward God and get ready to move into the new. “In uncertain times, certainty! Expected the Unexpected! I’ve created a movement – you have been launched. You are no longer a network. You are a movement! Join the movement! We are wielding the axe and Texas is going to war!

“Texans move to the sound of guns. They are willing to be at the forefront, the tip of the spear when liberty is threatened.” (Lt. Colonel Allen West)

Table of Contents:
Forewords by Dutch Sheets and Clay Nash
Chapter 1: Something New
Chapter 2: The Dream
Chapter 3: Priests and Kings – A Call to the Common Person
Chapter 4: The Vision and the Command
Chapter 5: A Garden and a Gate
Chapter 6: Wielding the Axe
Chapter 7: Cutting with His Words
Chapter 8: Midway and the Alamo
Chapter 9: The Axe is Ready
Chapter 10: A Declaration
About the Author

As the Church, the Ekklesia, we have entered into a now strategic time of a New Era that many have been prophesying. The message within the page of this book is a clarion call to prophetic warriors, intercessors, leaders, and believers who have a passion for an who are destined to be history makers. Ones who seek His face, carry His glory and who will walk united with others in a grassroots movement of divine strategies to usher in awakening and transformation in cities, regions, states, and our nation. Tom has effectively done just this, birthed and launched an apostolic movement in the state of Texas that is stewarding and ushering in a move of God. As he so eloquently states, “It is imperative in this hour that ll of us evaluate the assignments that the Lord has given us, and how He intends to use all of us, individually and corporately, to carry out His Kingdom mandates in order that we might see a transformation and an awakening in our nation that has never been seen before.” Learn and glean from this general and apostle how t birth, launch and build a formidable kingdom army, covenanted to the Lord and one another, that will awaken the prophetic destiny of a nation and release heaven on earth.
Rebecca Greenwood, Apostle