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When Heaven Invades Earth 10th Anniversary Edition
When Heaven Invades Earth 10th Anniversary Edition by Bill Johnson
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Bill Johnson
Subtitle: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles
Format: Paperback
Length: 339 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:In Stock


Humanity desperately needs what every born again believer carries – the supernatural power of Jesus. For too long, many have treated the Kingdom of God as something yet to come instead of a reality that is present within every believer.

Pastor Bill Johnson calls all Christians to embrace their identities as people filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to release God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. This identity is characterized by a lifestyle where the supernatural is natural and miracles become the norm, not the exception.

Now including a 40-day devotional, this special tenth anniversary edition shows you how to:
  • Embrace your identity as a citizen in the kingdom
  • Exercise your authority as a child of God
  • Experience your inheritance – miracles becoming your normal Christian life
Prepare to experience the supernatural life God has destined you to live!

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Jack Taylor
Foreword by Randy Clark
Chapter 1: The Normal Christian Life
Chapter 2: Commission Restored
Chapter 3: Repent to See
Chapter 4: Faith – Anchored in the Unseen
Chapter 5: Praying Heaven Down
Chapter 6: The Kingdom and the Spirit
Chapter 7: The Anointing and the Antichrist Spirit
Chapter 8: Teaching Into an Encounter
Chapter 9: The Works of the Father
Chapter 10: Powerlessness: Unnecessary and Unbalanced
Chapter 11: The High Cost of Low Power
Chapter 12: Our Debt to the World: An Encounter With God
Chapter 13: Our Identity in This World
Chapter 14: Warring to Invade!
Chapter 15: How to Miss a Revival
Chapter 16: Infiltrating the System
Chapter 17: This Present Revival

Day 1: The Normal Christian Life
Day 2: Commission Restored
Day 3: We Are Born to Rule
Day 4: Repent to See
Day 5: Dominion Realized
Day 6: Faith – Anchored in the Unseen
Day 7: Faith From a Relationship
Day 8: A Superior Reality
Day 9: The Cluster Bomb Effect
Day 10: Praying Heaven Down
Day 11: Representing Another World
Day 12: Embassy Lifestyle
Day 13: The Kingdom and the Spirit
Day 14: The Value of His Presence
Day 15: The Anointing and the Antichrist Spirit
Day 16: The Realm Beyond Reason
Day 17: Teaching Into an Encounter
Day 18: God is Bigger Than His Book
Day 19: The Works of the Father
Day 20: Everyone Is a Candidate
Day 21: Powerlessness: Unnecessary and Unbalanced
Day 22: Clothed With Power
Day 23: Prayer – The Gateway to Power
Day 24: The High Cost of Low Power
Day 25: Miracles Reveal His Glory
Day 26: How Do We Get the Power?
Day 27: Our Debt to the World: An Encounter With God
Day 28: Jesus Passed the Baton
Day 29: Entering the Twilight Zone
Day 30: Our Identity in This World
Day 31: Becoming Like Him
Day 32: Warring to Invade!
Day 33: Ho to Miss a Revival
Day 34: Close Encounters
Day 35: Infiltrating the System
Day 36: The Power of Holiness
Day 37: Taking It to the Marketplace
Day 38: This Present Revival
Day 39: Glorious Church
Day 40: Reaching the Maximum


Bill Johnson’s book When Heaven Invades Earth is changing lives around the world! We require everyone who attends our Iris Harvest School of Missions to read and practice it! It is a profound and moving teaching resource on life in the supernatural. While practicing the truths revealed in this powerful book, we discover that we are created to live every day in the miraculous Kingdom realms of God. All over the world as I travel, I find people whose lives have been transformed as they have begun to practice Bill’s teachings.
Heidi Baker, PhD, Founding Director, Iris Global

Bill has written a book that is absolutely revolutionary. We have prayed the Lord’s Prayer for over 2,000 years, but now we are seeing the realities of “on earth as it is in heaven.” Bill’s book has been used as a catalyst into the supernatural for the average believer – like no other book that I know of. This book is already a classic that will impact generations to come.
Dr. Che Ahn, Senior Pastor, HRock Church, Pasadena, CA

There have been few books written in the past 20 years that have had as great an impact upon the Church and the Kingdom than Bill Johnson’s When Heaven Invades Earth. When it first came out, it seemed like everywhere in the English-speaking world I went, they were reading this book. It is an honor to write this endorsement for the 10th anniversary edition. It has become a modern-day classic. If you haven’t read it, don’t put this book down. Instead, buy it and read it.
Randy Clark

About the Author:

Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. Together Bill and his wife serve a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival and the transformation of nations. This leadership network has crossed denominational lines, building relationships that enable church leaders to walk successfully in both purity and power. Bill and Brenda (Beni) Johnson are the senior pastors of Bethel Church, Redding, California. All three of their children and spouses are involved in full time ministry. They also have nine wonderful grandchildren.