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Watchman by Martha Lucia and Dana Millar
Price: $15.99
Author: Martha Lucia and Dana Millar
Format: Paperback
Length: 227 Pages
Published: 2002

Stock Status:In Stock



The prophetic ministry in the Body of Christ has many aspects. One of these is the watchman. Ezekiel, the best Biblical example of a prophet watchman, spoke many words of warning which reflected woe, mournings, and lamentations. Do we still need this ministry today? Is an intercessor a watchman? Is a watchman an intercessor? How do you recognize these gifts and how do they work together? These and other questions will be answered as the lives of various Old Testament prophets are reviewed and Martha Lucia shares her personal experience of the watchman gift in action today.

Table of Contents


In appreciation

Foreword by Dr. Bill Hamon


Chapter 1: Restoration of the Watchman Anointing

Chapter 2: The Watchman Ministry

Chapter 3: Ezekiel the Watchman

Chapter 4: The Importance of the Intercessor

Chapter 5: The Commissioning and Character of the Watchman

Chapter 6: Standing Before the Lord

Chapter 7: Keeping the Watch

Chapter 8: The Watchmans Sphere of Influence

Chapter 9: Discerning the Times

Chapter 10: The Body in Unity



As an apostolic overseer of hundreds of churches, ministers, and ministers in the marketplace, I strongly exhort all leaders to find, raise up, and appoint watchmen for your church or business. Prophetic watchmen and intercessors are vital components of any successful Christian endeavor. The truths within this book will set all intercessors and watchmen free to fulfill their calling and destiny. I highly recommend this book for personal reading and group study.

Dr. Bill Hamon, Bishop and Founder, Christian International Ministries Network

About the Authors

Martha Lucia is an ordained minister who is currently working in England to teach and train an army of intercessors. She serves as the General of Intercession for Christian International Ministries Network. She is the founder of The Watchman Network and a member of the Eagles of God strategic intercession team. Martha was a contributing author to The Queens Domain and co-author of The Gate of Prayer.

Dana Millar works as a senior staff member for a public utility in the field of nuclear energy. She has helped write and produce The Watchman Newsletter and coordinates The Watchman Network, an e-mail network that updates watchmen and intercessors on areas of concern. Dana travels nationally and internationally on strategic prayer assignments. She currently resides in Ridgeland, Mississippi.