A paradigm shift is a radical change in your way of thinking – and Peter Wagner has undergone a number of them during his decades of ministry. Now he invites you to open your mind to the Holy Spirit’s paradigm-shifting power. This Changes Everything is your essential guidebook for how God is transforming the world through people just like you. Discover new movements of God’s Spirit that are turning the tide against the evil one, opening wide the doors of heaven to usher in God’s reign on the earth. Find out what these powerful new strategies mean for Christians’ involvement in business, politics, education and entertainment, and learn how you can be a part of what God is doing in your sphere of influence. Find clear, biblical answers to questions such as:
- Is wealth a legitimate tool of the church?
- How do today’s workplace apostles lead in spiritual battle?
- Does God allow His people to make some decisions about the future?
- How is dominion theology operational in our world today?
God is calling you to a new way of life, starting with a new way of thinking. When your mind is renewed, you will never be the same!
Table of Contents:
Introduction: Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts Chapter 1: From Two Channels to Jesus as a Real Man Chapter 2: From Human Abilities to Spiritual Gifts Chapter 3: From Theological Education to Equipping the Saints Chapter 4: From Passive Evangelism to Pragmatic Evangelism Chapter 5: From Mono-cultural Theology to Cross-cultural Theology Chapter 6: From Programmed Evangelism to Power Evangelism Chapter 7: From Tolerating Satan to a Declaration of War Chapter 8: From Reformed Sanctification to Wesleyan Holiness Chapter 9: From Denominational Government to Apostolic Government Chapter 10: From a Greek Mindset to a Hebrew Mindset Chapter 11: From Classical Theism to Open Theism Chapter 12: From a Church Vision to a Kingdom Vision Chapter 13: From Ministry in the Church to Ministry in the Workplace Chapter 14: From Extending the Church to Reforming Society Chapter 15: From Society as One Mass to the Seven Mountains Chapter 16: From Escapist Eschatology to Victorious Eschatology Chapter 17: From a Spirit of Poverty to a Spirit of Prosperity Scripture Index Subject Index
This Changes Everything fearlessly tackles theologically profound and extremely important biblical subjects in a clear, lucid and practical way. C. Peter Wagner brilliantly distills the paradigm shifts that have transformed his life and a theology that has been the foundation for more than 50 years of fruitful ministry around the world. This is a must read for those who want to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to His church today! Dr. Che Ahn, President and Founder, Harvest International Ministry, Senior Pastor, HRock Church, Pasadena, California
My approach to my personal relationship with God and to ministry is that of simple, childlike faith. However, Dr. Wagner’s scholarly and strategically written book has both provoked and invited me to deeply examine mindsets that might have restricted my experience in God. When I started reading it, I could not put it down. I am convinced you won’t either . . . and don’t be surprised if you encounter some profound paradigm shifts. Patricia King, Founder of XPMinistries and XPMedia
This Changes Everything will cause you to take a step back and really think about what you believe. At times challenging to classic doctrinal thinking, it will cause you to dive into the Scriptures, wrestle with deep truths, and empower you to know why you believe what you believe. Whether you agree with everything written in these pages or not, it will compel you forward in your pursuit of truth, revelation and understanding into some of the most crucial paradigms of thought facing the church today. C. Peter Wagner magnificently communicates these paradigms in a down to earth and understandable way. Matt Sorger, Prophetic and Practical-life Minister, Head of Matt Sorger Ministries
About the Author:
C. Peter Wagner, Ph.D., holds graduate degrees in theology, missiology and religion from Fuller Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary and the University of Southern California. He served as a field missionary in Bolivia for 16 years, and he taught on the faculty of the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Seminary for 30 years. The author of 70 books, Wagner ministers nationally and internationally from his home base in Colorado Springs.
