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Supernatural Power of Jesus' Blood
Supernatural Power of Jesus' Blood by Hank Kunneman
Price: $19.99
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Savings: $3.00
Author: Hank Kunneman
Subtitle: Applying the Blessings Available Through Jesus' Blood
Format: Paperback
Length: 179 Pages
Published: 2022

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


This prophetic revelation of the life-giving blood of Jesus is critical in these precarious end-time days!

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Rev 12:11).

As believers in Christ, we are not immune to trouble. Challenges in areas like health, finances, jobs, and relationships come against us all. But Scripture shows us keys to our tremendous victory through Jesus’ shed blood!

Connecting both Old and New Testament principles, Hank Kunneman vividly highlights the prophetic revelation of Jesus’ shed blood and its overcoming power.

The Supernatural Power of Jesus’ Blood will encourage you in:
  • Understanding what is rightfully yours as a believer
  • Remembering God’s faithfulness
  • Declaring your covenant promises
  • Pleading the blood of Jesus over yourself and your loved ones

Grab onto these prophetic truths and walk in the victory Jesus has provided through His shed blood!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Mario Murillo
Part 1: Understanding Your Blood Covenant Rights and Privileges
Chapter 1: The Life-Giving Blood
Chapter 2: The Covenant Blood
Chapter 3: The Overcoming Blood
Chapter 4: The Shed Blood
Chapter 5: The Sprinkled Blood

Part 2: Blood, Water, Spirit: Our Pattern for Abundant Life
Chapter 6: These Three Agree: The Blood, Water, and Spirit
Chapter 7: The Prophetic Pattern of the Blood, Water, and Spirit
Chapter 8: Pentecost and the Blood, Water, and Spirit
Chapter 9: Pentecost and the Approval of God
Chapter 10: The Holy Spirit Baptism and Adding Our Agreement

About the Author:
Hank Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, with his wife, Brenda. Together they host a weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network. As an author and uncompromising voice for God’s Word, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing, preaching and ministering in meetings and on national television programs. His ministry has truly been marked for accuracy in national and worldwide events.