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Mercy for Self-Harm
Mercy for Self-Harm by Nancy Alcorn
Price: $9.99
Author: Nancy Alcorn
Format: Paperback
Length: 91 Pages
Published: 2007

Stock Status:In Stock


If your life is out of control and you feel hopeless, you haven’t read this book yet. You keep the scars hidden and tell yourself you can stop, but you can’t. You think the pain of cutting will end the hurt inside, but it always comes back. Maybe you don’t even want to admit that you engage in self-harm. Is there any hope for breaking free?

Author Nancy Alcorn says yes, you can find hope and freedom if you apply the principles in this book. Nancy combines deep compassion with practical knowledge, insight, and guidance from God’s Word. The lives of thousands of young women who have experienced the life-changing program of Mercy Ministries, which Nancy founded, are proof that these principles work.

Mercy for Self-Harm will help you learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of self-harm, understand how and why these behaviors develop, and know how to break free and stay free. Read the stories of girls just like you, who once had no hope but now live with joy and freedom. There’s also a special section for parents and others who care. There is mercy for self-harm!

Table of Contents:
Special Thanks
Chapter 1: What is Self-Harm?
Chapter 2: Breaking Free
Chapter 3: Staying Free
Chapter 4: Stories of Mercy
Chapter 5: For Parents and Others Who Care
Appendix: Godly Beliefs for Your Walk in Freedom
Index to Prayers
About Mercy Ministries
About the Author


As a father of two girls in their late teens, I certainly know what girls face today. I have watched Nancy Alcorn and Mercy Ministries bring hope and healing to struggling young women for many years – young women who are completely without hope. The Mercy for . . . series reveals the Mercy Ministries difference and offers great inspiration, hope, and a way to true healing for all who want to be free.
Dave Ramsey, Financial Expert

Mercy Ministries is not afraid to deal with the ugly, tough stuff – sexual abuse, cutting, addictions, eating disorders. Nany and her Merc Ministries team get to the core issues. If you have a daughter, work with girls, or are a young woman struggling with these issues . . . you want to hear what Nancy has to say. It is sure to change your life.
CeCe Winans, Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist

About the Author:
Founder and president of Mercy Ministries, Nancy Alcorn began her career in corrections and social work. Realizing the inadequacy of secular programs to offer real transformation in the lives of troubled girls, she began Mercy Ministries in 1983, with residential programs in several US states and internationally. A frequent speaker at conferences around the world, Nancy resides in Nashville, Tennessee.