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Healing the DNA
Healing the DNA by Pat Legako
Price: $11.99
Author: Pat Legako and Dee Legako
Subtitle: How Generational Deliverance Affect Genetic Disorder
Format: Booklet
Length: 58 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock


With an understanding of genetic diseases, mental health and spiritual warfare, Dee and Pat bring a unique viewpoint to bear on the healing and deliverance of people suffering from schizophrenia and other genetically-based diseases.

Pat, a Registered Nurse, has also an earned Doctorate degree in Practical Ministry, and her medical doctor husband, Dee, have been working on this issues for several years and are seeing many healed of breast and colon cancers, schizophrenia and diabetes, ets. They discovered this through ministering to a very troubled 14 year old, as God led them to bring freedom to that boy and his family. They have since applied what they learned into other areas of health.

This teaching was filmed at the Annual Conference of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, which Pat serves on the Apostolic Council. It is also available on DVD.

Table of Contents:

About Dee and Pat Legako
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Grady’s Story
Chapter 3: Genetics and Generational Iniquity
Chapter 4: A Study in Genetics
Chapter 5: A Brief Look at Diabetes
Chapter 6: How to Write a Prayer for a Genetically-Based Disorder
Chapter 7: Prayers
Healing Prayer for Schizophrenia
Prayer for Bipolar Disorder
Prayer for ADD and ADHA
Healing Prayer for Diabetes
Prayer for Breast Cancer
Prayer for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Prayer for Adenocarconoma of the Lung
Prayer for Colon Cancer
Prayer for Dysautonomia

About the Author:

Dee Legako serves as an elder and board member for Church on the Rock, Oklahoma City. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a B.S. in Premedical Science and University of Oklahoma with a medical degree. He currently volunteers his time as a Clinical Associate Professor with the Department of Family Medicine for the University of Oklahoma. He is a board certified Family Physician with a busy medical practice in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Pat Legako leads the deliverance ministry team for Church on the Rock, Oklahoma City. A registered nurse, Pat spent years stuffing her medical knowledge into the back of her mind so she could pray in faith. It wasn’t until the first time Doris Wagner asked her to minister to a schizophrenic that she began to realize that God had uniquely qualified her to do so. She has a Doctorate degree in Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute. A member of the Apostolic Round Table of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, Pat speaks and ministers at regional and national conferences and has completed her first book project, with co-author, Cindy Gribble, Deliverance, Rescuing God’s People.