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Forgiving the Unforgivable
Forgiving the Unforgivable by Craig Stone
Price: $17.99
Author: Craig Stone
Subtitle: Finding Healing and Hope Through Pain, Loss, or Betrayal
Format: Paperback
Length: 201 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock


What began as a delightful three-day family fathering ended in tragedy when a car accident left three of Craig Stone’s family members dead and one in a vegetative state. Adding to the pain of loss, corruption seemed to overshadow justice in the courtroom trail that followed. As a result, the family was thrust into months and even years of unimaginable grief, rage, and unforgiveness.

In Forgiving the Unforgivable Stone shares candidly of the emotional turmoil and grief that he experienced in light of these tragic events and how they nearly destroyed his life . . . until he discovered true forgiveness. Covering the many stages of grief, he shows you why it is important to go through the grieving process, and he explains what the Bible says about forgiveness and why you cannot uncover healing and a prosperous future without it.

You may find yourself in a similar situation, with a life struck by deep wounds that were inflicted by other people. You’ve hurt long enough. It’s time to end the pain and anger and embrace freedom through forgiveness.

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Jentezen Franklin
Foreword by Perry Stone
Chapter 1: A Fateful Night
Chapter 2: Forever Changed
Chapter 3: The Aftermath
Chapter 4: Seeking Justice
Chapter 5: Life Goes On?
Chapter 6: Overcoming Grief
Chapter 7: The Darkness of Depression
Chapter 8: An Irreversible Decision
Chapter 9: Must We Forgive?
Chapter 10: The Dangers of Unforgiveness
Chapter 11: How Do I Forgive?
Chapter 12: Lessons to Learn


Through Craig’s story, you will learn that, while we cannot deny or avoid pain, through the grace of God we can learn to overcome it.
Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor, Free Chapel, and Author

Craig Stone’s book was birthed out of his own personal tragedy when three of his family members were killed in a car accident. As you read this book, you can feel and even relate to his pain. You catch a glimpse of Craig’s inner struggle and how he battled to hold on to his faith in a time of great darkness. Craig opens his life up to you as he honestly talks of how the devil tried to manipulate him into an act of revenge. He even confesses his desire to harm the person driving the car that killed his family. This book is filled with the amazing grace of God’s healing power, and Craig tells how the Lord helped him to overcome his anger, his hatred, and his bitterness. And after all the injustice he went through, God gave Craig the power to forgive.
If you’ve ever had anyone hurt you or if you’ve ever been through a tragedy, you need to read this book. It will heal your heart and enable you to release your hatred and give you the grace to forgive your trespasser. This book is filled with inner healing for bruised and broken hearts.
Jeff Prewer, Pastor, Freedom Life Church of God, Henderson, North Carolina

About the Author:

Craig Stone is a recognized evangelist, gospel singer, and TV host who is known nationally for his dynamic preaching and deliverance ministry. Craig shares a message of hope, forgiveness, and encouragement in churches across the globe. With his ability to communicate the gospel with openness and transparency. Craig’s ministry appeals to both young and old alike. He and his wife, Janet, have three wonderful children and live in Atlanta, Georgia.