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Designed For Fulfillment
Designed For Fulfillment: A Study of the Redemptive Gifts by Charles Wale Jr
Price: $25.99
Author: Charles R Wale Jr
Subtitle: A Study of the Redemptive Gifts
Format: 8.5x11"Spiral Bound
Length: 159 Pages

Stock Status:In Stock



Charles R Wale has put together an amazing manual that will give you an in-depth understanding of the redemptive gifts described in Roman 12:6-8. Each one of us has been fashioned by God for a wondrous purpose in the Earth, but if we dont understand our redemptive design, we will never fully fulfill the purpose for which He created us. Through this teaching you will not only come to understand your redemptive gifting, but you will begin to see the gifting of others and how we can fit together within the Body for His Glory.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Arthur Burk



Brief Overview of the Redemptive Gifts

In-depth Study

Definition of Terms and Concepts








The Bigger Picture

The Redemptive Gifts at a Glance

Redemptive Gifts of Cities, States, and Nations


About the Author

Charles R Wale Jr has been studying and teaching the redemptive gifts for many years. He finds great fulfillment watching others understand their God-given design and watching them be set free to be who they were designed to be. He is passionate about passing down transformational truth to the next generation. Chucks greatest joy is having his friends and family around him, sharing their thoughts, dreams, and hopes. Chuck lives in Mississippi with his wife, Debbie.