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Closing Gates of Hell
Closing Gates of Hell by Dale Sides
Price: $8.99
Author: Dale Sides
Format: Booklet
Length: 50 Pages
Published: 2005

Stock Status:In Stock



No subject is as crucial in strategic-level spiritual warfare than identifying and closing gates of hell. Jesus gave authority to the church that we need to operate during these end times in order to build the kingdom of God on the earth - including the authority to close gates of hell.

"And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven." - Mathew 16:19

"The keys themselves do symbolize the authority to open and close the gates of Hell or the Kingdom of Heaven." - Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia

  • Learn what a gate of hell is and how to close it.
  • Learn how to stop the spread of evil and set the captives free by identifying and closing off these portals of hell.

When we use the authority Jesus gave us in this manner, we "blow up the communication system" of demons and wicked spirits from the heavenlies, sowing confusion and chaos into the kingdom of darkness.

The truths revealed in Closing Gates of Hell are destined to become fundamental strategies in the arsenal of the emerging subject of spiritual mapping. When we close gates of hell, it paves the way for the church to prevail over the evil kingdom and to build the kingdom of God on the earth!

Table of Contents:


Section I: Doctrinal Instruction
Chapter 1: What is a Gate of Hell?

Chapter 2: What is Hell?

Chapter 3: Why are Gates of Hell Important?

Chapter 4: How are Gates of Hell Opened?

Section II: Practical Instruction
Chapter 5: By Our Authority

Chapter 6: By Revelation of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 7: By Angels & Men

Chapter 8: By the Word of God to Angels

Chapter 9: By the Blood of Jesus

Chapter 10: What to do After the Gate is Closed



About the Author:

Dale M. Sides is founder and President of Liberating Ministries for Christ International. With over 30 years of ministry experience, Dale travels and speaks extensively throughout the United States and abroad. He is the author of numerous books and holds several degrees, including a Doctorate of Theology in Religious Education from Andersonville Baptist Seminary. Dale, his wife Vicki, and their four daughters live in Bedford, Virginia.