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God Damn Satan
God Damn Satan by Dale Sides
Price: $14.99
Author: Dale Sides
Format: Paperback
Length: 148 Pages
Published: 2000

Stock Status:In Stock



Jesus Christ made every Christian an emissary from the Kingdom of Heaven to maintain spiritual order and decorum on the earth. He gave the power of the Biblical curse to you as a Kingdom Enforcer to subdue the evil spirit realm in order to build the Kingdom of God.

This startling revelation, not only documented throughout the Bible, but also recovered out of the Dead Sea Scrolls, will add power to your prayer life and create terror and chaos in the Satanic kingdom. Satan has stolen our weapon and fears its recovery. The Biblical curse is the missing piece of spiritual ammunition needed to set the captives free. As Psalms 149:9 concludes, "this honor has all his saints."

Maybe you picked up this book because you were curious to see an "R" rated Christian publication. Congratulations on being curious. Now the question is - Are you courageous?