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Exercising Spiritual Authority
Exercising Spiritual Authority by Dale Sides
Price: $24.99
Author: Dale Sides
Format: Hardcover
Length: 369 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock


Exercising Spiritual Authority is a spiritual warfare manual of scriptural truths that have been tried and proven on the real battlefield of life to help Christ followers gain victory and fulfill their God-given destinies. The release of this powerful knowledge in book form is a fulfillment of a promise made to many who have attended the Exercising Spiritual Authority (ESA) classes that have been conducted worldwide for 25 years. These lessons remain fresh and vital; perhaps even more so now, as the time of Christ’s return draws nearer.

Exercising Spiritual Authority addresses the following questions and more:

  • How can I develop the right attitude of who I am in Christ?
  • How do I get rid of a victim mentality and walk in power and victory?
  • What is my spiritual domain and how do I establish it?
  • Can I use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to overcome darkness and enforce God’s kingdom on this earth?
  • Are there secret of authority that can conquer sickness, disease, and demonic captivity?

Learn how to become an equipped spiritual warrior who is trained, ready, and willing, for the Master’s use. Experience the thrill of freedom that enables you to reach out and help others do the same. It’s time to be “as He is” in this world by exercising the spiritual authority Jesus has given us!

Table of Contents:
Author’s Foreword and Dedication
Part 1: Spiritual Authority and the Makeup of Man
Chapter 1: The Realm of Spiritual Authority
Chapter 2: Who Am I?
Chapter 3: The Spirit Nature of Man
Chapter 4: Exercising Spiritual Authority over the Soul
Chapter 5: Exercising Spiritual Authority over the Body
Part 2: Diligent Discipleship
Chapter 6: The Authority of a Disciple
Chapter 7: The Authority to Re-Present Jesus
Part 3: Spiritual Warfare
Chapter 8: Overcoming the Power of the Enemy
Chapter 9: Closing Portals of Demonic Entry
Part 4: Our Authority to Re-Present Jesus in Character
Chapter 10: Developing the Character of Christ
Chapter 11: Re-Presenting Jesus on the Earth
Part 5: Our Authority to Re-Present Jesus in Power
Chapter 12: Receiving the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues
Chapter 13: The Utterance Gifts of Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy
Chapter 14: Receiving Spiritual Information and the Revelation Gifts
Chapter 15: Spiritual Faith
Chapter 16: Gifts of Healings and the Working of Miracles
Chapter 17: Other Ways God Can Heal
Appendix 1: Operating the Gift of Faith to Fulfill Your Ministry
Appendix 2: Exercising Spiritual Authority to Strengthen Church Government
Appendix 3: Exercising Spiritual Authority over Personal Finances

About the Author:

Dr. Dale M. Sides, President of Liberating Ministries for Christ International (LMCI), is a Bible teacher and author with over 40 years of ministry experience. He travels extensively, both internationally and within the US, teaching Christ followers how to exercise the spiritual authority Jesus has given them.