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Bride Made Herself Ready DVD
Bride Made Herself Ready DVD by Selwyn Stevens
Price: $18.50
Author: Selwyn Stevens
Subtitle: Spiritual Warfare for Christian Individ and Church
Format: DVD
Length: 44 Minutes

Stock Status:In Stock



The Bride Made Herself Ready! is a significant new resource on Spiritual Warfare for Christian individuals and churches. To be a warrior for Jesus Christ requires cleanup first, followed by training, equipping and then a test to see whether you are fully qualified to undertake spiritual warfare.

This teaching DVD by Dr. Selwyn Stevens is a well-balanced, Biblically-sound approach to dealing with fallen angels, Principalities, Powers and Rules of Darkness. It is an essential companion to Dealing with Demons (DVD). We would recommend purchasing both videos and the companion printed resources for a thorough study on this subject.