The goals of this teaching are three-fold:
Goal 1: To understand what blessing is and the power it has for our lives today. Goal 2: To identify and recover any missed blessings in my own life. Goal 3: To begin to learn how to bless others!
About the Author:
Selwyn Stevens, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, international speaker and ordained minister. He is the President of Jubilee Resources International, a New Zealand-based educational and religious organization involved in informing and equipping Christians of all denominations how to reach the lost and deceived in cults, the occult and secret societies such as Freemasonry. Jubilee Resources also has branches in Australia, Canada and United States, with affiliates in several other countries. Selwyn is a third-generation preacher, and has been involved in various Christian groups, and also maintains an active interest in national and world affairs and politics. Selwyn has authored 20 books; is Apostolic Overseer of the African Alliance of Christian churches and Ministries registered in Zambia; and Principal of Jubilee Training Institute, providing distance-learning courses in Christian Counseling, Pastoral Care and Practical Ministry.
