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Whats Behind the Ink?
Whats Behind the Ink? by Bill Sudduth
Price: $10.99
Author: Bill Sudduth
Subtitle: The Spiritual Aspects of Tattooing and Piercing
Format: Paperback
Length: 79 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock



In What's Behind the Ink?, Bill Sudduth has done us all a great service in exposing what's behind tattoo and body piercing activities. Pagan and demonic activities and origins are thoroughly and convincingly exposed. Lack of knowledge need not be an excuse any longer when we are questioned about these issues. This book is a must read for all deliverance ministers and youth workers! It deserves to be in every church library as well as required reading for deliverance courses taught all over the world.

Table of Contents




Chapter 1: Tattoo History

Chapter 2: Tattoos in Europe and the Mideast

Chapter 3: Tattoos in the Americas

Chapter 4: Tattoos in the Pacific

Chapter 5: Tattoos in Africa and Asia

Chapter 6: The Current Craze

Chapter 7: Cutting and Piercing

Chapter 8: Other Fads

Chapter 9: Yoga and the Martial Arts

Chapter 10: Health Problems

Chapter 11: Testimonials



About the Author

Dr. William Sudduth is President of Righteous Acts Ministries (RAM). Bill and his wife, Janet, founded this ministry out of a passion to bring deliverance, healing, and restoration to the body of Christ. Bill has been a leader in the field of deliverance and healing since 1998. Currently, he travels extensively throughout the United States and to other nations holding seminars on spiritual growth, deliverance training, the restoring of innocence, and revival meetings. Janet oversees their counseling and inner healing center in Colorado Springs, CO. They truly expose the wiles and schemes of the devil as they present the truths found in the Word of God in a fresh, exciting and relevant way that both challenges and empowers the saints. Bill and Janet have seen the Holy Spirit set literally thousands of people so free by bringing restoration, renewal and revival to the body of Christ.

It is their hearts desire that this book will set you or someone you love free by exposing the spiritual side of tattooing, piercing and other fads.