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Visions From Heaven
Visions From Heaven by Wendy Alec
Price: $15.99
Author: Wendy Alec
Subtitle: Heavenly Answers for the Weary Heart
Format: Paperback
Length: 217 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:In Stock


In Visions from Heaven, Wendy Alec, prophet and seer, recounts a series of extraordinary, supernatural encounters with the Father, following a season of deep, personal trauma.

In a series of panoramic visions, the Father and Jesus take Wendy on an extraordinary journey from the Father’s Chambers, to the brilliance and sheer majesty of the Throne Room, to Satan’s trophy rooms and the macabre trading floors of the souls of men.

If you have been through a season of adversity and testing and found yourself at the sheer rock face, encountering some of the fiercest trials and testing of your life . . . if your heart is secretly breaking with bewilderment and abandonment . . . the Father’s healing balm will bring supernatural encouragement and incredible hope.

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Benny Hinn
Foreword by Bill Johnson
Volume 1: A Visit to My Father’s Chamber
The Valley of the Shadow
A Visit to My Father’s Chamber
My Story – Shaken to the Core
The Meadow
Hard Questions and Heavenly Answers
The Great Sifting – The Wearing Down of the Saints
The Mantles
Volume 2: The End Times Church
The End Times Church
The Garden
Prisoners of War
Missing in Action . . .
The Wounded Warriors
The Veil of Shame
The Front Line
Volume 3: The Throne Room
The Throne Room
The Father’s Friend
The Minister
The Woman Evangelist
The Unlovely
The Prophet
The Missionaries
Volume 4: Last Days Assignment Against the Elect
The Great Sifting Before the Release of the Next Great Awakening
Satan’s Trophy Rooms – Legal Plunder
The Governmental Trophy Rooms of Hell
The Throne Room – Restitution
The Worldwide Glory and Healing Outpouring
The Day of Habitation
Restoration – My Story
My Father’s Chamber


If you are in the midst of a deep and dark season and you do not think you will ever come out on the other side, this book is for you!
Wendy has gone through such a time, faced despair and survived with joy! Her Visions from Heaven will help pull you out of the pit of sorrow into God’s promise of abundant life.
Cindy Jacobs, Co-founder, Generals International

Wendy Alec’s powerful book is the story of redemption and restoration out of Wendy’s excruciating physical and emotional pain. Visions from Heaven offers a lifeline to those drowning in a sea of hopelessness and depression. If you or someone you love is questioning God in the midst of a trial, this book will be a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. I highly recommend this book!
Kris Vallotton, Senior Associate Leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA

Wendy Alec’s understanding of the Father God’s heart to a simple child of His and a princess is quite simply beyond comparison to anything I’ve ever read.

As I ingested each word, I was taken into gardens, meadows, a chamber, and the personal presence of the Almighty. The visions and theophanies are quite honestly life changing.

Her personal pain and suffering, while designing a model script for the marketplace, arrested the attention of every demon from hell and drew them to this innocent soul, Wendy Alec. This book has no resting place. Indeed, I was kept attentive throughout every page because it relates to our everyday suffering and pain, while seeking an answer from our Father god. He showed Wendy the power of patience and standing sill and waiting. This book ministered to me personally and gave me the understanding of how to personally deal with our sufferings. There is an answer in the midst of every trail. But you have to press forward . . . not backwards.
Kim Clement, Kim Clement Ministries