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Travail to Prevail
Travail to Prevail by Joseph Mattera
Price: $8.99
Author: Joseph Mattera
Subtitle: A Key to Experiencing the Heart of God
Format: Paperback
Length: 81 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:In Stock


This is one of the most unique and inspiring books ever written n prayer. In it, Joseph Mattera uses the Bible, memoirs from powerful revivalists, and personal experience to shed light upon the most effective (but least understood) form of intercession. This book dispels the idea that mere perfunctory prayer is enough to birth revival. The writer also shows the lifestyle change and personal sacrifice needed if Christians are truly going to bring global societal transformation. There has never been another book like this in recent memory! This book is a must for all believer who yearn to see God answer their prayers and move powerfully in their midst!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: My Story
Chapter 3: The Cost of Living in Travail
Chapter 4: The Personal Benefits of Travail
Chapter 5: A Biblical Study of Travail
Chapter 6: Travail Can Be Imparted
Chapter 7: Historical Examples
Chapter 8: Travail to Reach the Nations

About the Author:
Joseph Mattera is in demand internationally as a speaker and consultant. His mission is to influence leaders who influence nations.