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Song of Love
Song of Love by Gwen Shaw

Price: $12.99
Author: Gwen Shaw
Subtitle: An Exposition on the Song of Solomon
Format: Paperback
Length: 169 Pages
Published: 1974

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Her heart was broken. She was lonely. Her people were more than ten thousand miles distant in another land. There was no one with whom she could share the sorrows of her heart. She fell on her knees and in a cry of anguish prayed, “Oh God, help me!”

In front of her lay her closed Bible, the greatest book of comfort ever written. God said, “Turn to the Song of Solomon and read!”

With tear-filled eyes she opened the book and began to read: “Thy love is better than wine.” Suddenly a great calm and peace filled her being. The Lord, the lover of her soul, began to speak to her out of His love letter to His bride. For three hours she was lost in meditation. The next day it was the same and the next. Then she knew she must record what He was telling her. For many months she sat daily in His Presence as He revealed to her the secrets of His love. When she “came down from her Mount Sinai experience, she had a new set of commandments: LOVE.”

As you go into God’s presence with a heart broken and open, you ,too, will hear the voice she heard and come down to live a new life of love.