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Secular, Sacred, Spirit
Secular, Sacred, Spirit by Blake Healy
Price: $19.99
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Author: Blake Healy
Subtitle: See God's Hand in Every Part of Life
Format: Paperback
Length: 193 Pages
Published: 2023

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


How does the spirit realm work? It’s a question Blake Healy has been asked in one way or another for years, ever since people learned that he can see angels, demons, and other spiritual realities with his naked eyes, as clearly as anything else.

In Secular/Sacred/Spirit, Healy explores that question and more as he unveils how the physical and spiritual realms intersect. Using rich storytelling and a scriptural foundation, Healy reveals how the spirit realm works, how we can understand the language of heaven, and the difference between what is secular, what is sacred, and what you as a spirit are in this vast and wonderful world.

Through everyday events – a trip to the park, a run, a busy workday – you will see what is happening through the lens of the spiritual realm and what those things mean. Healy’s captivating narrative will help you better understand the spiritual consequences of your actions and how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can guide you into having a heavenly effect wherever you go.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: My Story, Part 1
Chapter 2: The Language of Heaven, Part 1
Chapter 3: Parks and Recreation
Chapter 4: Their Only Job
Chapter 5: The Business of Gardening
Chapter 6: My Story, Part 2
Chapter 7: The Language of Heaven, Part 2
Chapter 8: A Healthy Diet
Chapter 9: Your Garden
Chapter 10: Plans and Purposes
Chapter 11: My Story, Part 3
Chapter 12: The Language of Heaven, Part 3

About the Author:
Blake Healy is one of the senior team members at Bethel Atlanta church in Georgia. He is also the director of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. He lives in Tyrone, Georgia, with his wife, April, and their five children.