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Secrets of the Angels
Secrets of the Angels by Jamie Galloway
Price: $19.99
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Author: Jamie Galloway
Subtitle: Partnering with God's Invisible Messengers to Release Tangible Miracles
Format: Paperback
Length: 208 Pages
Published: 2022

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Are angels real? Are they still doing what they did in the Bible? How can you discern their presence and activity?

In Secrets of the Angels, author, teacher, and seer, Jamie Galloway answers these questions and more. Through scriptural accounts, historical records, and personal history, Jamie unpacks the unique characteristics and functions of the kinds of angels mentioned in Scripture.

He offers insight into the unseen realm, teaching you to discern the many ways angels are acting on your behalf, and their essential role in helping you fulfill your Kingdom destiny!

Each type of angel mentioned in Scripture has a particular assignment and influence in the Kingdom. In Secrets of the Angels, you’ll gain understanding of each of these angelic beings, and their importance in your life, including:
  • Watchers
  • Seraphim
  • Cherubim
  • Archangels
  • Ministering spirits
  • The living creatures and more!

It’s time to discover and cooperate with the angels who are on daily assignment in your life! It’s time to get activated in the supernatural realm!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Secret of the Angels
Chapter 2: The Secret of the Watchers
Chapter 3: The Secret of the Giants
Chapter 4: The Secret of the Cherubim
Chapter 5: The Secret of the Seraphim
Chapter 6: The Secret of the Archangels
Chapter 7: The Secret of the Tongues of Angels
Chapter 8: The Secret of the Ministry of Angels

About the Author:
Jamie Galloway carries a revival message that imparts a lifestyle of the supernatural. He has a broad ministry experience from planting churches to speaking at stadium events. He is a sought after prophetic communicator and is involved in various media projects that highlight the move of God for our generation.