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Restoring of Innocence
Restoring of Innocence by Bill and Janet Sudduth
Price: $12.99
Author: Bill and Janet Sudduth
Subtitle: Dealing Head-On With the Issues of Abuse
Format: Paperback
Length: 91 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock



Do you struggle with irrational behavior at times?

Do you struggle with fears that grip you and almost overpower you at times?

Do you have moments when anger and rage well up within you?

Do you have strong feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, or insecurity?

Do you have practically uncontrollable appetites?

Do you have a critical spirit?

Are you judgmental?

Do you have a problem with jealousy?

Do you continually battle depression?

Do you have a restless or nervous nature?

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you struggle with compulsive behaviors?

Do you feel hopelessness and despair?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you may have some deep inner hurts that need some deep inner healing. I want you to note only God can heal your hurts through His Holy Spirit. This book is a great place to start in your road to restoration and recovery.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Doris Wagner


Chapter 1: Rampant Abuse

Chapter 2: Why People Dont Get Free

Chapter 3: The Target (Why Bad Things Happen to Us)

Chapter 4: Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation

Chapter 5: Healing Through Confession

Chapter 6: Healing the Wounded Spirit

Chapter 7: The Truth That Sets You Free

Appendix 1: Domestic Violence Statistics

Appendix 2: Child Abuse Statistics

Appendix 3: Survivors

Appendix 4: Abusers


In todays society where sexual abuse and promiscuity run rampant, this book could not be any more timely. Having spent over 25 years working with multitudes of young women who have been sexually used and abused, I know from experience that this book contains liberating principles of freedom straight from the heart of God. The Restoring of Innocence is a must read, not only for those who want to receive healing and restoration, but also for others who care about those who need it. Dont miss this opportunity to equip yourself so that you can see captives set free.

Nancy Alcorn, Founder and President, Mercy Ministries International

About the Author

Bill Sudduth is President of Righteous Acts Ministries (RAM). Bill and his wife Janet founded this ministry out of a passion to bring deliverance, healing, and restoration to the Body of Christ.

Bill has been a leader in the field of deliverance and healing since 1998. He graduated from the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida. He then worked on the pastoral care staff of the school, where he headed the deliverance ministry.

Bill and Janet now travel extensively throughout the United States and to other nations holding spiritual growth seminars, deliverance training seminars, the restoring of innocence seminars, and revival meetings. They truly expose the wiles and schemes of the devil as they present the truths found in the Word of God in a fresh, exciting and relevant way that both challenges and empowers the saints.

Bill and Janet have seen the Holy Spirit set literally thousands of people so free by bringing restoration, renewal and revival to the Body of Christ.