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Reconstructing Lives
Reconstructing Lives by Vivian Alderfer
Price: $26.99
Author: Vivian Alderfer
Subtitle: A Toolbox of Principles, Practices and Prayers
Format: 8.5" x 11" Spiral Bound
Length: 153 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:In Stock


Have you experienced repeated failures despite your very best efforts? You can break the cycle!

Do you feel inhibited from changing certain life patterns? You can break through!

Did you ever want to just start over and do things differently? With God you can!

This handbook contains practical information and understanding that has been proven to effectively reconstruct hundreds of lives. This book will help you build a whole new life.

Table of Contents:
How Do I Use This Book?
Part 1: Premise
Chapter 1: Those Who Live in Brick Houses
Chapter 2: Whose Blueprints?
Chapter 3: Garden Construction
Chapter 4: Re-digging the Foundation
Chapter 5: Reconstruction
Part 2: Principles
Chapter 1: Freedom’s Foundation
Chapter 2: Roadblocks to Freedom
Chapter 3: Power Tools
Chapter 4: Freedom Fitness
Chapter 5: A Tale of Two Kingdoms
Chapter 6: Freedom War Manual
Chapter 7: Take Heart
Chapter 8: Waiting is Warring
Chapter 9: Witchcraft
Chapter 10: Human Spirits
Part 3: Practices
Chapter 1: Daily Spiritual Disciplines
Chapter 2: Put On Truth
Chapter 3: The “D” Word – Deliverance
Chapter 4: Generational Sins and Strongholds
Chapter 5: Prenatal and Natal Cleansing
Chapter 6: Soul Ties
Chapter 7: Warring for Our Children
Chapter 8: The Bondage of Judging
Chapter 9 Addictions
Chapter 10: Trauma
Chapter 11: Warring Away from Home
Part 4: Prayers
Building Blocks of Effective Prayer
Samples of Freedom Prayers
Prayers Dealing with Spiritual Warfare

About the Author:
Vivian Alderfer ministers life, healing and freedom through biblical teaching, truth encounters, prayer, and intercession. Vivian has been in ministry for many years and has helped hundreds of hurting souls find freedom from destructive patterns and relationships, addictions, generational curses, and demonic afflictions. Many who have counseled with her state that through their freedom sessions God’s love was experienced in deeper ways and they have never been the same. Vivian looks toward a global approach of releasing Christians in other countries who are bound by spiritual strongholds. Her focus is upon training others to be free to set others free.