Realms of the Kingdom will equip believers with the reality of what it means to be “in the spirit” and in the realms of God, enabling them to know and experience who the person of God really is.
This book will be a valuable resource enabling you to actively participate with and know your Father God, not just doing things for Him. This book is for those who want to see the reality of the supernatural realms of Heaven and the return of the sons of the Kingdom to their rightful place as heirs.
Volume Two will lead you in the next step of the journey through Ian’s experiences in heavenly realms and includes spiritual steps and prayer activations enabling you to understand, experience and go deeper in these realms for yourself.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Unlocking Your Scroll of Destiny
Chapter 2: Covenants of God
Chapter 3: Familiar Spirits
Chapter 4: Dealing with Spiritual Attack
Chapter 5: The Devil’s Trophy Room
Chapter 6: The Four Faces of God
Chapter 7: The Four Chambers of the Heart
Chapter 8: Building a Garden in Your Heart
Chapter 9: Heavenly Trading
Chapter 10: Understanding Angels
About Ian
I believe with all my heart that as you read these pages, you will receive a profound, supernatural impartation of the Fathers love and intimacy with our beloved, unchanging, majestic, awesome Heavenly Father. The life hanging on the words of each chapter will literally propel its readers into a realm that will change their hearts and intimate relationship with the Father forever. Thank you Ian for paying such a price and for leading us into the sacred holy place of our beautiful Heavenly Father’s incredible heart.
Wendy Alec, Founder and Visionary of God TV
We are so happy to recommend this second volume to anyone seeking a deeper relationship with the Father. We love how Ian teaches from his experience but then gives practical tips and exercises to help believers engage in days and weeks the same pathways Ian spent months and years discovering for himself. We love Ian’s heart to share these Kingdom dynamics to help raise up a generation of sons, lovers and glory dwellers manifesting the supernatural ways and lifestyle of Heaven on earth. We believe you will find this second volume, as the first, a great aid in your own journey of seeing the Father face to face and walking in the true ways that the Father always intended for you to walk.
Matthew and Pearl Nagy, Glory Company
About the Author:
Ian Clayton is the founder of Son of Thunder Ministries. He speaks globally, training and quipping believers to personally experience the realms of Heaven. Ian is one of the fathers of current heavenly realms understanding. His original, ground-breaking teaching and practical insights gained over the last 24 years have changed the way our generation experience accessing the realms of Heaven that Jesus has opened to us.