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On the Incarnation
On the Incarnation by Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
Price: $14.99
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Author: Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
Format: Paperback
Length: 95 Pages
Published: 1944/2016

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


During the fourth century, controversy raged in the church regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. On one side were the Arians, led by the Bishop Arius, who argued that Father, Son, and Holy spirit were materially separate from one another. They believed that Jesus had been created out of “nonexistence” and thus was not on the same level of divinity as God the Father.

In response, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, wrote On the Incarnation, a staunch defense of the full divinity and full humanity of Christ. In simple language and with Scripture as a guide, he argued for the eternal nature of the Trinity and that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God the Father but has existed from the very beginning. Athanasius celebrates the redeeming work that came forth through the God-man, Jesus Christ, and His eternal existence and essential unity with the Father.

Ultimately, Athanasius was exiled five times by four different Roman emperors due to his defense of the Trinity, but he remained faithful to his beliefs. Today, On the Incarnation is often included on lists of books every Christian should read.

Table of Contents:
A Word About the Importance of One the Incarnation
Chapter 1: Creation and the Fall
Chapter 2: The Divine Dilemma and Its Solution in the Incarnation
Chapter 3: The Divine Dilemma and Its Solution in the Incarnation – Continued
Chapter 4: The Death of Christ
Chapter 5: The Resurrection
Chapter 6: Refutation of the Jews
Chapter 7: Refutation of the Gentiles
Chapter 8: Refutation of the Gentiles with Facts
Chapter 9: Conclusion

About the Author:
Athanasius (c. 297-373), Bishop of Alexandria and one of the most illustrious defenders of the Christian faith, was born at Alexandria around AD 297. He is known as a church father, a noted Egyptian leader, a master theologian, and a staunch defender of Trinitarianism against the arguments of Arianism, which he began as a bishop’s assistant at the First Council of Nicaea. He also struggled against several Roman emperors, which caused seventeen of his forty-five years as bishop to be spent in exile. His writings were cherished by church fathers, both in the West and the East. He is known for his devotion to the Word-become-man, his great pastoral concern, and a profound interest in monasticism. He is venerated by the Roman Catholic Church, Oriental and Eastern Orthodox churches, the Lutheran Church, and the Anglican Communion.