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Numbered with the Transgressors
Numbered with the Transgressors by Larry Jackson

Price: $9.99
Author: Larry Jackson
Format: Paperback
Length: 113 Pages
Published: 1999

Stock Status:In Stock



You see them on the streets or the evening news. They may be close friends or family members. Or they can be men and women of power or prominence. They are the lost and the defeated - suffering in the grip of sin. But don't turn away. Pray! Jesus lived among sinners and was moved with compassion for them. You can be too. When you share their pain and suffering as if it were your own, you see things as Jesus sees them. Larry Jackson shows how to relate with sinners on such a deep level that God's power is released to overcome the enemy and lead them to Christ. For frontline intercessors, this book will renew and refocus your efforts. For beginning prayer warriors, you'll learn to pray for the lost with the compassion of Jesus.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Wellington Boone


Chapter 1: How God Used My Mistake to Plant a Principle

Chapter 2: Practical Effects of Joining in Christ's Suffering

Chapter 3: Christ and the Prayer of Identification

Chapter 4: Brining Forth Through Travail

Chapter 5: Jumping Out of the Number

Chapter 6: How to Stand in the Gap

Chapter 7: Staying in the Number

Chapter 8: How to Pray Within the Number

Chapter 9: Touched by Infirmities


We want to see revival and renewal come to our cities and our nation. But are we willing to pay the price to see our vision become a reality? Do we even know what the price is? Larry Jackson outlines for us a key factor in seeing our family, friends, cities and nation come to a true knowledge of Christ: numbering ourselves with the transgressors. I highly encourage you to read this book.

John P. Kelly, Founder, LEAD

Though we are mocked and ridiculed by a decadent culture, Larry Jackson challenges each of us to lay down our self-righteous fury and demands for justice, to come down from our oral high ground and minister to this lost world with compassion and prayer.

Dutch Sheets, Author

About the Author

Larry Jackson is senior pastor of Bethel International Outreach Church in Charoltte, North Carolina. He serves as a governing elder for the Fellowship of International Churches, and a national speaker at Promise Keepers events. Larry, his wife, Joanndra, and their five daughters live in North Carolina.