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Life in the Combat Zone
Life in the Combat Zone by Rick Renner
Price: $18.99
Sale Price: $16.14
Savings: $2.85
Author: Rick Renner
Subtitle: How to Survive, Thrive, and Overcome in the Midst of Difficult Situations
Format: Paperback
Length: 254 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


In Life in the Combat Zone, Rick Renner teaches you what it takes to fight effectively and come out the victor, no matter what type of spiritual conflict you face.

Throughout the book, Rick reveals the traits needed to emerge as a conqueror from every spiritual conflict. As he explains in great detail, you must cultivate discipline, preparation, and patience in your life before you ever enter the combat zone. You have to take time to learn to fight like a Roman soldier, train like a Greek athlete, and produce like a farmer so you can please the Lord, fulfill your destiny, and receive an eternal crown of victory.

Spiritual battles are unavoidable, and they can be fierce. In this book, Rick Renner will show you how to engage in your battle effectively. One thing is sure – the fight is personal, so it’s imperative that you do all you can to come out the victor!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Front Lines of Battle
Chapter 2: Overcoming the Spirit of Fear
Chapter 3: Supernatural Power to Fight and Forgive
Chapter 4: Learning to Endure
Chapter 5: Another New Testament Soldier Who Endured
Chapter 6: Warring in the Combat Zone
Chapter 7: Training for the Combat Zone
Chapter 8: Reaping the Benefits of the Combat Zone
Chapter 9: The Choice Is Ours to Make
Reference Book List
About the Author

About the Author:
Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the international Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir (a media outreach in the former USSR), and the host of his TV program that is seen around the world.