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Journal of the Unknown Prophet
Journal of the Unknown Prophet
Price: $18.00
Author: Wendy Alec
Subtitle: A Visitation of Jesus Christ
Format: Paperback
Length: 295 Pages

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Do you want to prophesy what saith the Spirit of God with greater authority, stronger boldness and increased accuracy? Do you want that double-portion that Elisha carried? Jennifer LeClaire offers keys to flowing in a more powerful prophetic anointing in this no-holds-barred manuscript. Jennifer draws from her experiences to explain what it really means to operate in prophetic ministry and how to avoid the temptations that take you off the deep end.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Jonas Clark


Chapter 1: Calling all Prophets

Chapter 2: The Heart of the

During a ten day period in November of 1999, Wendy Alec received a visitation from the Lord Jesus Christ. He spoke of mercy, He warned of judgment . . . on the worlds trading systems, on the media . . . upon the church. He wept.

In two later separate visitations, He spoke in anguish of the last days assignments against the elect. He warned of the great blinding, or seduction, lust and Jezebel and the great falling away . . .

This is the extraordinary record of His discourse.

Table of Contents

Volume One: Mercy
The Desert Place

On Being Passed Over

To Those Who Have Been Wronged

To Those Experiencing Weariness

To Those Ensnared by Sin

To Those Leading Desperate Lives

To Those in Time of Grief

Run to Me

To The Abandoned Ones

To Those Suffering Depression

To Those Who Have Been Betrayed

My Healing Touch

To Those Who Have Been Misjudged

To Those Who Are My Friends

To Those Who Have Been Forsaken

To Those Bound in a Homosexual Lifestyle

For Those on the Point of Giving Up

Volume Two: The End-Time Ministry
To the Evangelists A Peculiar Grace

To the Teachers A Quickening

To the Pastors The Spirit of Faith and Revelation

The Prophets A Terrible Company

The Apostles The Rising

The Intercessors

To the Pastors, Elders and Home Cell Leaders The Great Joining and New Power for


Stadium Evangelism

Volume Three: The Church of the Last Age
Prepare for a Time of Suffering

Prerequisites to Healing, Miracles and Power in the End-Time Age

The Harvest: End-Time Nations:

China The End-Time Dynasty of the Son

The Arab Nations Visitation of Jesus

Israel Introduction

Israel My Beloved The Father Speaks

To Germany

Israel Betrayal by Her Allies

Volume Four: Judgment
My Fathers House A Place of Whoredoms

Judgment Against the Shepherds

The Present-Day Leaders

To Those With Crooked Tongues

The Word An Idol in Mens Hearts

Judgment on Those Who Serve Mammon

The Spirit of Treachery

Volume Five: Babylon
Judgment Upon the Media

Judgment Upon the Politicians

Judgment Upon the Worlds Trading Systems

Judgment Upon the False Secular Church

To the Politicians, Lawyers, Media Moguls, Business Executives and all Who Have Forgotten

Volume Six: The Father
Beyond the Veil

The Sons Yearning for the Father Revealed

The Voice of the Father

The Vision

Journey Into Heaven

Volume Seven: Last Days Assignments Against the Elect
The Unleashing of the End-Time Seducing Spirits

The Falling Away

The Great Blinding

Pride and Self-Righteousness

Discouragement and Strong Delusion

Seduction, Lust and Jezebel

The Coming East Coast Revival

The Entrance of the King

Scripture References



In an age where written material abounds, few books have touched me like The Journal of the Unknown Prophet. I highly recommend this book.

John Paul Jackson, Founder, Streams Ministries International

This Journal was life to me, and spoke directly to several things that were going on in my life in such a way that I know that it is a Living Word. As a daily devotional, I believe that The Journal of the Unknown Prophet would be a tremendous blessing to any believer in Jesus Christ.

Rick Joyner, Founder, MorningStar Ministries