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How to Dominate in a Wicked Nation
How to Dominate in a Wicked Nation by Jonathan Shuttlesworth
Price: $12.95
Author: Jonathan Shuttlesworth
Subtitle: Lessons Learned from the Life of Abraham
Format: Paperback
Length: 144 Pages
Published: 2022

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Abraham’s righteousness and blessing were not obtained by his garments, the land where he lived, or the places he went. Abraham’s righteousness and blessing were attained by faith. Faith in God and faith in His Word. That is how every overcomer lives, by the faith of Abraham.

The blessing God promised Abraham also belongs to you. When you activate God’s blessing through faith, it’s impossible to get hung up on gender problems, racial divisions, or political agendas.

Through the lessons learned from Abraham’s life, you can prosper in a wicked nation. What politicians or world leaders think they have can not derail what God has given you. What you have, what lives inside of you, can overcome everything set against you.

Table of Contents:
Lesson 1: Abraham Believed He Was Blessed
Lesson 2: Abraham Never Believed “They” Could Stop Him
Lesson 3: Abraham Never Looked to a “They” To Help Him
Lesson 4: Consider Your Spiritual Heritage
Lesson 5: You Can’t Be a Beggar and a King
Lesson 6: Abraham Was a Tithe-Built Man
Lesson 7: Abraham Could Only Receive as Far as He Could See
Lesson 8: Abraham’s Principles for Domination
Lesson 9: Abraham Wasn’t a Slave to Debt
About the Author

About the Author:
Jonathan Shuttlesworth is an evangelist and founder of Revival Today, a ministry dedicated to reaching lost and hurting people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In fulfilling his calling, Evangelist Shuttlesworth has conducted meetings and open-air crusades throughout North America, India, the Caribbean, and Central and South Africa. Each day thousands of lives are impacted globally through Revival Today Broadcasting located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.