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Holy Spirit In You
Holy Spirit In You by Derek Prince
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $13.49
Savings: $1.50
Author: Derek Prince
Format: Paperback
Length: 121 Pages
Published: 1987/2019

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Who is the Holy Spirit? How does He work in our lives? What does it mean that He lives within us? In this revised and expanded addition of The Holy Spirit in You, now with an additional six chapters, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince clearly explains the nature and ways of the Holy Spirit and how He actively works in the lives of Christians.

The Holy Spirit has always moved among God’s people. Yet a wonderful new relationship between God the Father and His children began when the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s personal, resident representative on earth – sent to continue the ministry of Jesus in us. Through the power of the Spirit, we are lifted onto a supernatural plane in which we can experience the continual presence of Jesus, be a bold witness for Christ, exercise spiritual gifts, receive revelation from the Word of God, pray according to God’s will, experience divine health in our bodies, and understand the plans of God.

The Holy Spirit in You depicts the full ministry of the Holy Spirit as our indwelling Helper. Allow the Spirit to pour out God’s love and power upon you in a new way so you can live freely and dynamically as a beloved child of your heavenly Father.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Chapter 1: Before Pentecost
Chapter 2: A Person – and Yet
Chapter 3: Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent

Part 2: The Promise of the Spirit
Chapter 4: The Holy Spirit in the Life Jesus
Chapter 5: What Happened at Pentecost
Chapter 6: Humility and Power
Chapter 7: The Spirit of Truth

Part 3: Our Indwelling Helper
Chapter 8: Revelation of God’s Word
Chapter 9: Lifted onto a Supernatural Plane
Chapter 10: The Gifts of the Spirit
Chapter 11: The Fruit of the Spirit
Chapter 12: Help in Prayer
Chapter 13: Life and Health for Our Bodies
Chapter 14: Outpouring of Divine Love
Chapter 15: How to Open Up to the Holy Spirit
About the Author