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Baptized in the Spirit
Baptized in the Spirit by Randy Clark
Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $15.29
Savings: $2.70
Author: Randy Clark
Subtitle: God's Presence Resting Upon You With Power
Format: Paperback
Length: 250 Pages
Published: 2017

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Sadly, there had been much division surrounding this one question. Many believe that the Holy Spirit in-dwells a person at the moment of their conversion. Others contest that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate experience altogether.

Apostolic leader, theologian and healing minister, Randy Clark, shares about how this controversial and often misunderstood experience can be accessible to all Christians – including you!

Through engaging, practical teaching and powerful testimonies, you will learn how to:
Understand the clear Biblical reasons people should be baptized in the spirit and what that really means
Biblically receive and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Unlock the benefits and blessings of being baptized in the Spirit
Operate in the gifts of the Spirit: prophecy, tongues, and other supernatural graces.

All Christ-followers have the Holy Spirit living within them. And yet, there is more. When you are baptized in the Spirit you will experience new dimensions of God’s power resting upon you in a supernatural way!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Dr. Craig Keener
Part 1: Baptized in the Holy Spirit by Dr. Randy Clark
Chapter 1: The Evangelical, Holiness, Pentecostal, and Catholic Perspectives on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Chapter 2: The Traditional and Recent Pentecostal Perspectives of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Chapter 3: The Scriptural Basis for the Traditional Pentecostal and Evangelical Positions Considered
Chapter 4: Baptism in the Holy Spirit According to Early Church Fathers and Early Church Historians
Chapter 5: Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Protestant and Catholic Perspective
Chapter 6: Baptism in the Holy Spirit: The Holiness and Pentecostal Perspective

Part 2: Experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Dr. Randy Clark
Chapter 7: Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Chapter 8: It is the Spirit Who Testifies

Part 3: A New Biblical Understanding of the Baptism of the Spirit by Dr. Jon Ruthven
Chapter 9: The Central Mission and Message of Jesus
Chapter 10: Where is the Cross of Jesus in All of This?
Chapter 11: A Review of the Rest of the Bible’s Themes’ Relation to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Part 4: Equipping the Saints by Dr. Randy Clark
Chapter 12: Holiness, Social Justice, Legalism, and Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Chapter 13: Revival and Holy Spirit Baptism
Chapter 14: My Personal Testimonies and Others’ Testimonies of Holy Spirit Baptism

About the Author:
Randy Clark, with a DMin from United Theological Seminary, is the founder of Global Awakening, a teaching, healing, and impartation ministry that crosses denominational lines. An in-demand international speaker, he leads the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening and travels expensively for conferences, international missions, leadership training, and humanitarian aid. Randy and his wife, DeAnne, live in Pennsylvania.