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Hard Core Idolatry
Hard Core Idolatry by C Peter Wagner
Price: $6.95
Author: C. Peter Wagner
Subtitle: Facing the Facts
Format: Paperback
Length: 59 Pages
Published: 2001

Stock Status:In Stock



Is the Church bowing down to foreign gods?

Many in the church today do not have a clear understanding of what idolatry truly is. It is commonly believed to be an excessive interest in sports or recreation, or anything that would draw our hearts away from God. Scripture, however, defines idolatry differently. Through this insightful teaching, C. Peter Wagner opens our understanding to the truth about idolatry, and how it can creep into our lives and churches.

In this book, you will:

  • Recognize the difference between "hard-core" and "soft-core" idolatry
  • Understand how idolatry affects our churches
  • See how the Lord's heart is broken when His children worship false gods
  • Learn how to cleanse your home and church of ungodly objects

If we want to see our lives and churches become all that God wants them to be, we must say no to hard-core idolatry and forever close the door it has opened to the demonic realm.

Table of Contents:

  1. Idolatry Today: Lets Get Serious
  2. Trivializing Idolatry
  3. Soft-Core Idolatry
  4. But Idols are Powerless!
  5. Idolatry Next Door
  6. Let's Do Something About It
  7. Spiritual House Cleaning
  8. Subject Index

About the Author:

C. Peter Wagner is Chancellor of Wagner Leadership Institute and President of Global Harvest Ministries, both located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a noted author of books on many subjects, including missions, church growth, prayer, spiritual warfare and apostolic ministries.