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Gods Mandate for Transforming Your Nation
Gods Mandate for Transforming Your Nation by Dexter Low
Price: $14.99
Author: Dexter Low
Subtitle: Touching Heaven, Chaning Earth
Format: Paperback
Length: 185 Pages
Published: 2016

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What is the Church’s mission in the 21st century? Malaysian apostle and missiologist Dexter Low says “nation transformation” must become our new agenda for fulfilling the Great Commission in our time.

The current model, which calls for uniting the church’s leaders worldwide to win one billion souls and plant 5 million churches by 2021, isn’t working. Ultimately it cannot because its emphasis on church planting and evangelism excludes social transformation. When the key pillars of social influence are also realigned according to kingdom principles, then your nation, any nation, will be transformed.

God’s Mandate for Transforming Your Nation provides practical instruction on advancing God’s kingdom globally. True examples of ways that lead to measurable results are included. Low will both challenge and inspire you as a Christian leader to take a significant step forward in fulfilling the church’s mission in the 21st century.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: God’s Mandate for Transforming Your Nation
Chapter 1: Make Disciples of All Nations
Chapter 2: Thy Kingdom Come
Chapter 3: Dealing with Mind-Sets
Chapter 4: Influencing the Molders of Culture
Chapter 5: Spiritual Warfare: Keys to Transforming a Nation
Chapter 6: Linking Generations
Chapter 7: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth
Chapter 8: The Action Plan for Nation Transformation
Chapter 9: Convergence
Conclusion: Where Do We Go From Here?
Appendix 1: Nations
Appendix 2: Taking the Kingdom of God into the Marketplace
Author’s Note
Appendix 3: Report to the International Coalition of Apostles
Appendix 4: Can a Nation Be Transformed in a Day?

The cry among Christian leaders for announcing the gospel of the kingdom, which involves bringing no less than social transformation to our nations, continues to grow louder. I was delighted when I first saw God’s Mandate for Transforming Your Nation by my good friend Dexter Low. As I read it, I found many practical insights concerning implementation that could only come from a leader in the non-Western world. Dexter is a Malaysian, and this gives him a fresh perspective that we all need. This excellent book provides a significant step forward for all of us seeking to fulfill the Great Commission.
Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Vice President, Global Spheres, Inc.

In this book, Dexter details his personal journey from the traditional mindset of “doing church” to a kingdom mind-set of fathering ministries and transforming nations.
He rightly calls for the church to be more than just a fishing boat, but a battleship; to recognize the seven mountains of culture and to impact the world beyond the four walls of the church.
He also provides a helpful overview of the various movements God is working through in our day to bring about reconciliation, empowerment, and transformation. As you read this book, you will be inspired to make changes in the way you “do church” and to follow in his footsteps.
Dr. Naomi Dowdy, Singapore, Former Senior Pastor, Trinity Christian Centre

About the Author:
Dexter Low is founder and chairman of the Latter Rain Church of Malaysia and a member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. He is the former coordinator of Southeast Asia Spiritual Warfare Network of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement. His deepest passion is for the church to bring transformation to communities, cities, and nations.