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God is Good
God is Good by Bill Johnson
Price: $21.99
Sale Price: $18.69
Savings: $3.30
Author: Bill Johnson
Subtitle: He's Better Than You Think
Format: Hardcover
Length: 250 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


God is Good! More than a positive thought no belief statement, what you do with these three words has the power to shape your life and define your destiny.

What you believe about God determines everything. It can either fuel your prayer life with faith and expectation or quench it with uncertainty and doubt. You either see a faithful Father who never changes and is always faithful, or you see a detached deity whose character is unpredictable. Finally, your understanding of God’s goodness paints the way you interact with everyday life. Does Heaven desire to remain at a distance, or could it be that “on Earth as it is in Heaven” is the very prayer that should motivate every believer to persevere for the miraculous?

In what many consider to be Pastor Bill Johnson’s life message, you will rediscover God in a whole new way. Get ready for what you thought you knew about God’s goodness to be lovingly challenged, as beliefs – as popular and widely accepted as they may be – are measured next to the eternal standard of Scripture and are either found to be false or recognized as truth.

To confess that God is Good is one thing; when you start to live your life in response to this cornerstone truth, everything changes!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Robert Morris
Chapter 1: Conflict over Goodness
Chapter 2: In the Beginning
Chapter 3: Purpose of the Old Testament
Chapter 4: The Old Has a New Purpose
Chapter 5: His Goodness – His Glory
Chapter 6: Love Requires Judgment
Chapter 7: We Have a Father
Chapter 8: Jesus Christ, Perfect Theology
Chapter 9: It’s Not His Fault
Chapter 10: Re-Presenting the Goodness of God
Chapter 11: The Importance of Mystery
Chapter 12: Now What?

Walking close to the Lord and moving in His power and releasing His goodness involves more than simply having a right belief system of truths that are traditionally taught in the Church. What you believe about God’s nature is destiny-defining. A.W. Tozer was absolutely correct – what we think and believe about God is absolutely essential.
Bill is not afraid to address truths that are often held in tension in the Scripture such as the sovereignty of God, the fear of the Lord, man’s responsibility, or God’s love and mercy. He doesn’t overlook these key truths – God Is Good addresses these topics head-on.
Don’t expect this book to answer every question you have. Bill doesn’t attempt to do that. Yet, he equips us to answer the most important question of all: is God truly good? When this truth is firmly established in our hearts, though our other questions will still exist – they simply won’t weigh heavy on us, because we have come face to face with a most glorious and important truth: God is good.
Mike Bickle, Director, International House of Prayer of Kansas City

God loves to manifest His presence when His essential nature of love and goodness is proclaimed. Bill Johnson has created a culture around this message that is affecting the globe. It shatters paradigms of religion that lock God’s people up in unbelief and fear. This book is what I’ve needed as I’m still growing in the knowledge of how kind and good God is. Let’s be transformed together as we read it.
Lou Engle, Founder of The Call

This is a really important book. The world is struggling to believe God is good; the Church is struggling, too. Bill invites us to re-think and re-imagine what the Scriptures teach about how good God truly is. If we had the confidence Jesus had in His Father’s goodness, we would be a different people, and the world would be a different place. This book will challenge you, but the invitation toward a higher view of God is worth it.
John Eldredge, Ransomed Heart Ministries

About the Author:
Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. Bill and his wife, Beni, are the senior leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and serve a growing number of churches that cross denominational lines, demonstrate power, and partner for revival. Bill’s vision is for all believers to experience God’s presence and operate in the miraculous – as expressed in his bestselling books When Heaven Invades Earth and Hosting the Presence. The Johnsons have three children and nine grandchildren.