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Glory When Heaven Invades Earth
Glory When Heaven Invades Earth by Bob Sorge
Price: $9.99
Author: Bob Sorge
Subtitle: Gain a Renewed Vision for the Highest Goal of Wors
Format: Paperback
Length: 88 Pages
Published: 2000

Stock Status:In Stock



You love the presence of God, but youll never be satisfied until you see the glory of God.

This is a book for worshipers with a holy hunger for a glory invasion. Let your heart be ignited with a renewed passion to behold the face of Jesus.

The truth is that Gods glory is disruptive. Its untamed, uncontrollable, unstoppable, and dangerously all-consuming. It destroys agendas, calendars, service orders, songlists, and carefully devised plans. It frustrates, exposes, confounds, and renders powerless the controlling mechanisms of church leaders. Glory is dangerous and revolutionary. Its explosive, undomesticated, volatile, divisive, and invasive. Glory smashes in like a tidal wave, washing away the safety nets and lines of familiarity that have helped us feel secure. The clock might help to establish when the meeting starts, but its useless in determining when the meeting might stop. Buildings become overcrowded, restrooms can hardly be kept clean enough, children seem to be everywhere, critics abound, and the neighbors complain. (excerpt, Chapter 6)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Glory: Destination Planet Earth

Chapter 2: Defining Glory

Chapter 3: Preparing For Glory

Chapter 4: When Presence is Not Enough

Chapter 5: How the Glory Departs

Chapter 6: The Five Deadly Ds When Theres No Glory

Chapter 7: Touching the Glory Realm

Chapter 8: Show Me Your Glory!

Chapter 9: Today is the Day!

About the Author

Bob Sorge launches his writing and traveling ministry from Kansas City, Missouri, where he lives with his wife Marci and three children. He has written several books including Exploring Worship and Secrets of the Secret Place.