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Finding Victory When Healing Doesn't Happen
Finding Victory When Healing Doesn't Happen by Randy Clark and Craig Miller
Price: $16.99
Author: Randy Clark and Craig Miller
Subtitle: Breaking Through with Healing Prayer
Format: Paperback
Length: 186 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Have you ever prayed for healing but nothing happened?
Have you ever lost your healing and wondered why?
Have you been praying for a condition with no change?
Have you given up on waiting, praying, and seeking your healing?
Do you want to know why healing prayer doesn’t seem to happen?

Dr. Randy Clark and Craig Miller have teamed up to bring answers about healing. They bring personal experiences, new insights, and practical steps to immediately begin praying for yourself or others.

You will learn: Why healing doesn’t happen; What causes you to lose your healing; How to pray for specific emotional and physical condition; Changing the atmosphere to believe in healing; Finding your power and authority from Christ; Suggested meaning of body language; How to pray victoriously against unbelief, fear doubt, curses, spiritual warfare, unforgiveness, and more.

You will receive as an extra bonus: Five-Steps to successful healing prayer; Prayer for deliverance; Transformation technique for emotional healing; Suggested emotional connections to mind/body conditions.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Joan Hunter
Part 1: Hindrances to Healing Prayer
Chapter 1: Prayer for Healing
Chapter 2: What Hinders Healing Prayers
Section 1: Unworthiness, Unbelief, Fear and Doubt
Section 2: Unforgiveness, Sin
Section 3: Worldly Expectations, Curses, Spiritual Warfare
Chapter 3: When Emotions Hinder Healing

Part 2: Finding Victory in Healing Prayer
Chapter 4: Strategies with Children and Persevering through prayer
Chapter 5: Inner Healing
Chapter 6: Strategies for Emotional Healing/Heart Transformation for Emotional Healing
Chapter 7: Why You Lose Your Healing and How to Keep It
Chapter 8: Changing the Atmosphere to Believe in Your Healing
Chapter 9: Maintain Your Power and Authority
Chapter 10: Suggested Meaning of Body Language
Chapter 11: Suggested Emotional Connections to Mind/Body Conditions
Appendix: Five-Step Prayer Model
Deliverance Prayer Model


Finding Victory When Healing Doesn’t Happen: Breaking Through with Healing Prayer is a book inspired by the Holy Spirit! I was moved and inspired by its redemptive insights. The testimonies held so much truth and living water within them I could not put this book down. Dr. Randy and Craig have been anointed with the Gift of Healing and the knowledge of the stumbling blocks when healing does not take place. By beginning at the beginning, the core of illness, your own life experiences can be a cause . . . Trust and believe!
Karen Jaszczalt, RN, VP of Clinical Services, Forest Health Medical Center

There is a plethora of reasons why healing does not seem to come to everyone. We rejoice immensely in the ones that receive their healing. Our hearts go out to those who continue to wait and seek for their healing which as yet, has not yet come. Dr. Randy Clark and Craig Miller, both very experienced in praying for the sick with amazing results, share their insights into what can hinder and block the amazing grace of God’s healing power. This book is desperately needed as a resource for all of us who want to see God’s kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
John Arnott, Catch the Fire, Toronto

About the Author:
Dr. Randy Clark is the President and Founder of Global Awakening. Established in 1994, Global Awakening is an apostolic ministry that aims to equip the body of Christ through ministry schools, training programs, conferences and international missions trips. Through his ministry, Randy has seen tens of thousands healed and brought to salvation.
In 1994, this unassuming pastor from St. Louis walked into a small storefront church near the Toronto Airport that turned into a worldwide revival known as the Toronto Blessing.
Randy received his M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his D.Min. from United Theological Seminary. Dr. Randy has authored and co-authored numerous books, including There Is More, and The Essential Guide to Healing. Randy has ministered for more than 43 years in 45 countries. He and his wife DeAnne have four grown children and four grandchildren.

Over the past thirty-five years Craig Miller has been helping people find their healing through ministering and counseling in medical and mental health settings, TV, radio, speaking, books and other resources. Currently he is the co-founder and Christian therapist with Masterpeace Counseling in Tecumseh, MI. Craig enjoys seeing God reveal His power through emotional and physical healings, miracles, and the restoration of lives and relationships.