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Entertaining Angels
Entertaining Angels by Randy Clar with Timothy Berry, Annie Byrne,  and Chris Ishak
Price: $13.99
Author: Randy Clark with Timothy Berry, Annie Byrne...
Subtitle: Engaging the Unseen Realm
Format: Paperback
Length: 109 Pages

Stock Status:In Stock



In the book of Hebrews in the New Testament we are told to practice hospitality to strangers, for by this, some have entertained angels without knowing it. So what do angels look like? Can we be touched by them? What exactly is their role in Gods kingdom? This book addresses those questions and many more as it introduces us to a clearer understanding of these creatures of the unseen realm. Join with Randy and his interns as they take you on a journey which begins Randys story of moving into an understanding of angelic intervention. It then moves on to build a strong biblical foundation for engaging with the heavenly realm. Intertwined are many personal stories which will leave you hungering for more while preparing you for encounters of your own.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Open Heaven: Understanding Angelic Intervention by Randy Clark

Chapter 2: What the Bible Has to Say About Angels by Timothy Berry

Chapter 3: Angels Defined by Annie Byrne

Chapter 4: Angels Q & A by Christopher Ishak

Chapter 5: Angelic Encounters: How to Enter In by Annie Byrne