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Exodus by Ron Toliver
Price: $17.99
Author: Ron Toliver
Subtitle: Part 2 of the Nabal is Dead Series
Format: Paperback
Length: 126 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock


God is saying to the rulers of the religious church, denominations and institutions “Let My people (the chosen) Go” that they may serve me!” We must move beyond apostolic jargon to kingdom execution. We can no longer claim we are apostolic while continuing to endorse unbiblical paradigms.

The emerging remnant is passionate about the church recapturing its passion for the great commission. They are adamant about being identified for purpose and equipped for a mandate. They are not institutionalized religious church minded members but Kingdom minded believers. They desire biblical models and not people’s conjured up church models. They desired to be launched and not merely lectured too. They hear your passion/burdens, but do you hear theirs? They see your gifting, but do you see theirs?

While others desire servants, they carry an inner charge for the sending. While some see cash, these are concerned with the great commission. As a result of this exodus, many prophets will pair up with apostles, creating dynamic apostolic and prophetic teams as dominion in the earth realm becomes the battle cry of a remnant.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Reformers: Larger Nets
Chapter 2: The Necessity of Prayer and the Need of the Prophet
Chapter 3: Renegade Prophets Part 1
Chapter 4: Renegade Prophets Part 2
Chapter 5: Five Dimensions of an Effective Prophet
Chapter 6: Room for the Watchman
Chapter 7: The Five-Seven Principle
Chapter 8: The Exodus
Chapter 9: The Cry for Release
Chapter 10: Shell Shocked Nation
Chapter 11: The Rise of a New Breed
Released for Dominion
Appendix A
Appendix B