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40 Days of Communion In Your Home
40 Days of Communion In Your Home by Dale Sides

Price: $7.99
Author: Dale Sides
Format: Booklet
Length: 34 Pages
Published: 2002

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)



This is a powerful primer to aid you and your family in receiving the full benefits of the New Covenant that are available through partaking of the Lords Supper. Featuring daily Bible verses accompanied by short devotional passages, this booklet is designed to strengthen the reality of covenant living in your home and enhance your intimacy with the Lord. Activate the covenant blessings availed to you by participating in the holy rite of Communion.

Day 15 Our Covenant Right to Prosperity

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in al things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2

In both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, one of the major promises to those in relationship with God is prosperity. The Lord led the children of Israel out of Egypt with silver and gold (Psalm 105:37), and it is still His desire for His children to prosper.

The covenant God made with Abraham was to multiply him exceedingly (Genesis 17:2). This means that you are in relationship with God, and He has promised that everything you touch will multiply. Our whole basis of faith is what we expect God will do for us, and it is all based on the agreement He made with us: what He said He will do.

Philippians 4:19 NIV says that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. When you read the phrase in Christ Jesus, it means in covenant relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our part of the covenant is to seek after Him with our whole heart (2 Chronicles 6:14), and if we are doing this, we have a right to expect blessings to overtake us instead of us chasing them.

Prosperity includes more than just financial blessings, but it certainly includes them too. If you are seeking after God, He will reveal to you how to live in prosperity and in health. This is your covenant right as a child of God.

About the Author

Liberating Ministries for Christ International (LMCI) is an inter-denominational, non-affiliated parachurch designed to strengthen, nourish, and support local churches, ministries, and individuals.