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Demons and Deliverance in the Ministry of Jesus
Demons & Deliverance Ministry of Jesus by Frank Hammond
Price: $11.95
Author: Frank Hammond
Subtitle: Concrete Scriptural Evidence for the Casting Out of Demons in the Ministry of Jesus - and It's Place in the Church Today
Format: Paperback
Length: 149 Pages
Published: 1991/2011

Stock Status:In Stock


Demons and Deliverance in the Ministry of Jesus Christ lays out guiding principles from the Bible for confronting demons and for delivering those who are oppressed by the devil.

Be walking through the words of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Frank Hammond demonstrates that God intended for us to have an understanding of the devil and the operation of his demonic kingdom. We cannot get closer to the heart and ministry of Jesus than the accounts of Jesus Himself ministering. Verse by verse, line by line, Frank Hammond leads us through mountains of evidence regarding the legitimacy of casting out of demons in Scripture, and the incredible emphasis placed on this important ministry by Jesus Christ.

In the process of reviewing these Scriptures, Frank Hammond also demonstrates how occult methods have infiltrated this ministry, as well as the need to guard against fleshly means when engaged in a deliverance session.

If you yearn to see God’s heart for mankind, and long to know the power available in Jesus’ ministry to set the oppressed free, this book will change your life.

Table of Contents:
Author’s Preface
The Wilderness Temptations
The Gospel of the Kingdom
Deliverance – A Public Ministry
Deliverance in the Atonement
Ministering to the Multitude
Continued Ministry to the Multitudes
Prayer for Deliverance
The Test of True Discipleship
The Testimony of Miracles
Healed of Demons
Two Opposing Kingdoms
Filling the House
The Parable of the Sower
The Parable of the Tares
The Gadarene Demoniac
Another Deliverance Healing and Blasphemous Accusation
The Twelve Commissioned and Anointed
Persecution Encountered
Deliverance is the Children’s Bread
Binding and Loosing
Men Used of God are Sometimes Used of Satan
A Deliverance Failure
Exclusiveness Rebuked
Enforcing Church Discipline
The Curse of Unforgiveness
The Mission of the Seventy
A Spirit of Infirmity
Attempted Intimidation
Satan Enters into Judas
Satan Asks for Peter
Book Excerpt: Children’s Deliverance

About the Author:
Frank Hammond was a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with over forty years experience as a pastor and teacher in the Body of Christ. He has authored numerous books, DVDs and compact discs on spiritual warfare and family relationships, with translations in several languages. He and his wife, Ida Mae, started in the deliverance ministry in 1968 and had an international ministry.