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Defeating the Enemy
Defeating the Enemy by Phil Hopper
Price: $18.99
Sale Price: $16.14
Savings: $2.85
Author: Phil Hopper
Subtitle: Exposing and Overcoming the Strategies of Satan
Format: Paperback
Length: 184 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Everything God wants to give you, Satan seeks to steal. Why live in captivity when Jesus came to give you an abundant life?

As a former SWAT cop, Pastor Phil Hopper offers a unique perspective on how to overcome the enemy of our soul. By knowing your enemy’s strategy, you will be equipped to live victoriously and not fall into Satan’s captivity.

This book provides a fresh, unique and highly relatable look at the adversary’s tactics so you can always be one step ahead of the devil.

You’ll find answers to questions such as:
  • How can I break the bondage and leave behind the baggage?
  • Why do I keep doing the same stupid things that I do?
  • How can I never again take Stan’s bait?
  • How can I be forgiven of my sin, but not healed from its effects?

Learn how to live a life of freedom as we uncover the tactics, deceptions and strategies of the enemy.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Who Doesn’t Like a Good Spy Movie?
Part 1: The Battle of the Ages
Chapter 1: Round One: Back to the Basics
Chapter 2: Round Two: The Garden of Eden
Chapter 3: Round Three: Bethlehem’s Manger

Part 2: The Adversary’s Tactics
Chapter 4: Knowledge is Power
Chapter 5: A Roaring Lion
Chapter 6: The Master Illusionist
Chapter 7: An Angel of Light
Chapter 8: Hell’s Haymaker: Satan’s One-Two Punch
Chapter 9: Stan’s Bait and Switch

Part 3: You Can Win
Chapter 10: Don’t Take the Bait!
Chapter 11: Identity Crisis
Chapter 12: Free to Flee
Chapter 13: Our Deliverance


For all the emphasis that people place on the state of our nation and politics, what we really need is transformation. The real enemy is always the one we can’t see. I challenge you to read this book and learn the strategies your enemy uses against you.
Mike Huckabee, Former Arkansas Governor, Republican Candidate for President

As Christians, we are al involved in a conflict in the realm of the spirit. Unfortunately, entire segments of the Body of Christ refuse to acknowledge that they have a sinister and insidious adversary whose purpose is to steal from them, kill them or destroy them by any means available to him. Pastor Phil Hopper has used his training as a police officer and SWAT team member to gain valuable insights into the subject of spiritual warfare. I encourage every believer to read this book wherein Pastor Phil will outline strategies on how to recognize your enemy, understand his methods of operation, and prevail against him every time.
Dr. Rod Parsley, Pastor and Founder, World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio

About the Author:
Phil Hopper has been the lead pastor of Abundant Life Church in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, since 2000. He watched God do extraordinary things in the life of the church as it has grown from 100 people to a mega church touching thousands and thousands of people each week. Prior to entering the ministry, he was a police officer and sergeant with the Kansas City Police Department where he served as a SWAT team member. It was through this experience that God uniquely prepared him for the ministry. Phil lives in the Lee’s summit area with his wife, Christa. They have three children: Jake, Makay, and Josh.