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Daily Decrees for Government and Nations
Daily Decrees for Government and Nations by Brenda Kunneman
Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $15.29
Savings: $2.70
Author: Brenda Kunneman
Subtitle: Raise Your Voice, Agree with Heaven, and Shift Your Nation
Format: Paperback
Length: 193 Pages
Published: 2023

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Do you feel overwhelmed and fearful about what is happening in your nation? The headlines and newsfeeds are bombarded with government corruption, scandal, celebration of immorality, violence, economic turbulence, and overall uncertainty. With each passing day, it feels like the swirl of chaos gets closer and closer to your door.

Fear not – you are now powerless! You have a weapon that, if activated and used, can supernaturally shift the course of your nation, release righteousness into the streets, protect your children and grandchildren, prosper your finances, expose corruption in high places of government, and turn around even the most hopeless of situations.

That weapon is your voice declaring the decrees of God!

In Daily Decrees for Government and Nations, dynamic and world-renowned teacher Branda Kunneman equips you with fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired decrees that have the power to shift nations, cancel chaos, and create a peaceful life for you, your family, and future generations.

You will:
  • Stop living in fear by making faith-filled, Bible-based decrees over your nation.
  • Call forth God’s ordained future by declaring the rule and reign of His Kingdom to influence the direction of your nation.
  • Destroy the agenda of hell by making decrees that expose corruption, overturn unrighteous legislation, and flood the streets with Heaven’s goodness.
  • Prophesy revival and awakening over your nation, decreeing God’s ultimate desire to fill your land with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Don’t let hell shut you up! Without you, the powers of darkness will continue to ravage and destroy nations. But when you begin to boldly open your mouth, declaring the decrees of Heaven over the land, the floodgates of Heaven will open and the purposes of God will be released.

Table of Contents:
A Nation of Revival!
Censorship of the Gospel Interrupted
Delivered from Wicked and Evil People
Declaration over the Office of the President
A “Put It Back!” Movement
Economic Blessing and Provision
Integrity in Elections
Judges of Righteousness
Heavenly Perspective upon the Nation
Liberty Protected
Peace and Safety
Life for the Unborn!
Liars and Deceivers Exposed!
Great Grace upon the Church
Godly Leaders and Influencers Exalted
Truth and Business Integrity Prevails!
A Land of Advancement and Innovation
Foreign Invasions Are Bound!
Beneficial International Alliances
Protection for Emergency Responders
Crime and Violence Broken
Heavenly Hosts Released!
No Fake News!
Evil Influencers Defunded
Jobs and Businesses Excel
Healing from Racial Tensions
Peace upon the Weather
Governmental Abuses of Power Restrained
Witchcraft and Curses Broken
The Name of Jesus Glorified
Sickness, Plagues, and Diseases Removed
Wicked Legislations Disrupted
Bold Believers Arising
God’s Mercy and Help upon Us
Educational Reformation
Biblical Marriage Upheld
The Great Awakening Shall Arise
Declaration over Local and State Government
Prayer for Law Enforcement
Overturning of Evil Laws and Legislation
Revival of Prayer!
Justice Served upon Workers of Evil
Ungodly Agendas and Ideologies Shall Fail!
Prayer for the Congress
Influential Pastors and Churches
Peace upon the Streets!
Protection of the United States Constitution
Honor of the Military and Veterans
Moral Decency Established and Restored
Honor for Our Flag
Unity of the Saints
Miracles, Signs, and Wonders Manifesting!
Our Christian Heritage Preserved
Poverty and Famine Defeated
The Sprit of Fear and Terror Is Bound!
Protection for the Children
International Safety and Peace
A Cry for Freedom and Deliverance!
Prayer of National Repentance
Blessing and Peace for Israel

About the Author:
Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is the mother of two sons, three German Shepherds, and multitudes of fish, and she has a heart to see children and families thrive. Brenda is also a writer and teacher who ministers internationally with a prophetic anointing. She and her husband host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda.