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Commanding Your Morning
Commanding Your Morning by Cindy Trimm
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $13.59
Savings: $3.40
Author: Cindy Trimm
Subtitle: Unleash the Power of God in Your Life
Format: 5.25" x 7.25" Hardcover
Length: 154 Pages
Published: 2007

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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Your Words Have Power

If you want your life to change, it all starts with what you think and say. In her authoritative, declarative style, Cindy Trimm helps you achieve victory over your circumstances through spoken declarations that activate Gods power.

You will put meaning and purpose back into your life when you positively direct your thoughts, words, and actions toward the realization of our goals. Begin each day by commanding your morning. As you do, know that whatever begins with God and His principles has to end right.


As an author, I read many books to gain perspective and instruction over what I am attempting to communicate. On occasion I find a book that makes me say to myself This captures my heart. I have never read nor could I have communicated this principle so well. This is a jewel in my hand

Commanding Your Morning disciplines, transforms, and unlocks your mind while you read. This is a book of action! You will find the Lords thoughts forming and your thought processes realigning. Then you will experience your mouth being filled with decrees that will determine your future success in life.

Chuck Pierce - President, Glory of Zion

Table of Contents



Chapter One: The Secret is Out

Chapter Two: Mind Your Own Business

Chapter Three: The Creative Power of Spoken Words

Chapter Four: What Have You Put in the Atmosphere?

Chapter Five: You Can Change the Course of Your Destiny

Chapter Six: The Importance of Ordering Your Day

Chapter Seven: How to Become and Overnight Success

Chapter Eight: Commanding Your Morning

Conclusion: The Essence of a New Day


About the Author

Cindy Trimm is a motivational speaker and preacher and a multifaceted executive, life coach, and success mentor. She travels up to 48 weeks a year, speaking and doing conferences. She has self-published several books. Her previous books include The Rules of Engagement Series, Volumes I, II, and III.