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Angels by Charlie Shamp
Price: $24.99
Author: Charlie Shamp
Subtitle: A Biblical School of Living Light
Format: Paperback
Length: 213 Pages
Published: 2020

Stock Status:In Stock


For centuries, artists have portrayed angels as beautiful humans with wings and glowing light, complete with halos, harps, and flowing white gowns (and perfectly sculpted bodies). In his latest book, Angels, A Biblical Study of Living Light, Charlie Shamp separates fact from fiction by combining a theological perspective with an inspiring view of God’s secret agents, the company of angels.

It was written for the pessimists and doubters who do not believe in angels or have not experienced angelic encounters. It is also for the true mystics who desire to experience the heavenly realm of angels and how to activate their own angelic visitations. Charlie also added a collection of stunning encounters with angels from his library of celestial accounts, both his and the stories of others, both past and present.

As a bonus feature in this book, the book explores the Second Temple period and the explosion of sustained interest in the supernatural world with the angel’s various ranks and orders. In Angels, A Biblical Study of Living Light, the author unveils the three voices who reopened the book about the Celestial Hierarchy. You will never regret opening this book.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: God’s Secret Agents
Chapter 2: Order of Angels
Chapter 3: Glory Angels: The Seraphim
Chapter 4: Glory Angels: The Cherubim and Thrones
Chapter 5: Governmental Angels
Chapter 6: Ministering Angels
Chapter 7: Manifestations of Angels
Chapter 8: Heavenly Host
Chapter 9: God, Angels, and Prophets
Chapter 10: Activation of Angels
Chapter 11: Language of the Angels
Meet the Author

About the Author:
Charlie Shamp is the co-founder and president of Destiny Encounters International. He is a sought-after international key-note speaker. He has been commissioned by Heaven as a prophet to bring healing and revival in the nations. He resides in Moravian Falls, North Carolina with his wife, Brynn, and their three children.