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Your Appointment with God
Your Appointment with God by Gwen Shaw
Price: $5.99
Author: Gwen Shaw
Subtitle: A Bible Study on Fasting
Format: Paperback
Length: 65 Pages
Published: 1977

Stock Status:In Stock


If you feel the call of God on your life and you want to accomplish the purposes God has for you, you need to fast!
If you recognize that a stronghold of the enemy of your soul is affecting your life or the life of one of your loved ones, you need to fast!
If you have a burden for souls, you need to fast!
If you are grieved over the spiritual state of your nation, you need to fast!
If you need a spiritual breakthrough, you need to fast!

From the pen of Gwen Shaw, who has been teaching and practicing fasting for over thirty years, comes a Bible study on fasting for the anointing of God n your life.

Gwen Shaw is a well-known Bible teacher and missionary to over 100 nations.

Study this with the Holy Spirit as your teacher, and you will know the answer to many questions you have been asking about fasting – and the key to how you, too, may have a new life and anointing with Holy Ghost power by keeping Your Appointment with God.