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Tribunals by Tom Schlueter
Price: $14.99
Author: Tom Schlueter
Subtitle: The Authority of the Ekklesia to Legislate
Format: Paperback
Length: 101 Pages
Published: 2023

Stock Status:In Stock

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A tribunal is a court of justice or any place where justice is administered. Tribunals, courts of justice, began forming across the state of Texas as the ekklesia began to step into their authority as kings and priests. Sons and daughters of the Most High God are called to legislate His decrees on earth as they were and are being decreed in heaven.

We need to position ourselves, as priests, to hear God’s voice – to be aligned with His heart – and to bring forth His kingdom as we journey through our lives. God is ordering our steps. Either we believe that, or we don’t believe it. It’s that simple. God is ordering our steps. That doesn’t give us permission to lean back and say, “God, go on and do it. I don’t even have to participate.” No, God is looking for an intimate, participating relationship with us as priests and kings, and in that participation with Him, He releases us and directs us into where we need to be going. He empowers the reign and authority of His kingdom through our obedience. This task includes all of us. It is not in any way or fashion limited to the traditional leaders or committees of the church to carry out these assignments. Late last year (2022), I was doing my early morning devotions in the front room of our house. I was looking out the large picture window. The Lord spoke to me and asked me, “have you considered the blade of grass?” He usually speaks to me in very simple phrases or questions. I waited for Him to answer the question. He revealed to me that a grassroots movement is totally dependent on every blade of grass. No one, of His called out people, is left out.

We are to be influencers in every realm of society. We are to be God's agents on the earth. We need to make sure that every aspect of life, where we have a sphere of influence, is moving towards an alignment with the kingdom and will of our Father in heaven. That includes education, government, the media, businesses, and our families. Everything that our lives touch can be and should be influenced by our role as citizens of heaven. For instance, regarding government, we should be praying diligently for God to bring godly leaders into positions of authority over our lives. But our participation must also include the process of voting, and yes. even possibly running for those offices. As citizens of heaven, we re-present Jesus and influence society with His will. Those in office need to embrace the truth that they are “ministers of the gospel."