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This Psychic Prophetic Age
This Psychic Prophetic Age by Pam Vinnett
Price: $20.00
Author: Pam Vinnett
Format: Paperback
Length: 148 Pages
Published: 2015

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When I wrote this book back in 1994, it was in a season that our nation was in tremendous turmoil. Psychics like Miss Cleo and singer song writer Dionne Warwick’s Psychic Friends Network were taking the airwaves by a storm. The hotlines for such a phenomenon were riddled with people trained to give generalities who worked from the privacy of their homes, alongside a number of them who were the real deal. Hollywood had its own private crew that made millions prognosticating to the stars and big businessmen alike. All of this was in vogue. I was compelled as a prophet of God to address the issue. This Psychic, Prophetic Age was born as a result of the need and the times.

In the church world, many true and false practitioners were taking advantage of the moment, moving about itinerantly throughout the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. This led to a demand for instruction that could set the order aright as to what is true from what is false.

There is a conspicuous tangible release of prophetic energy from the Lord to raise up true prophets to this generation and those to come. It is an exciting time to be alive. New age gurus have swept the church as well as multiple false prophets. Now everyone wants to be known as an apostle or prophet, but God is setting the order aright, and we will once again discover, this is not a psychic age but truly a kingdom, apostolic and prophetic age.

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: What is a Prophet

Chapter 2: What is the True Call of Prophet

Chapter 3: The Role of Prophet in the Five-Fold Ministry

Chapter 4: The Making of a Prophet

Chapter 5: Apostles and Prophets in the Bible

Chapter 6: Apostles and Prophets in the Age of the Prophetic

Chapter 7: Prophetic Modes of Delivery

Chapter 8: Case Histories: True and False Prophets

Chapter 9: The Changing of the Guard

About the Author:

Pam Vinnett is the founder of Prophetic Age Ministries, God’s Apostolic Training Embassy and Apostolic Initiatives in Motion Fellowship and Training Institute. Pam is currently based in Tulsa, OK but is providing apostolic instruction in the state of Florida.